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-en angličtina

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Co v angličtině znamená -en?


Denotes the past participle form when attached to a verb. Denotes a quasi-past participle or participle-like adjective when attached to a noun or verb.


Used to denote the plural form of a small number of English nouns, the majority of whose etymologies go back to the n-stem (i.e. weak noun) declension of Germanic languages. (non-standard, rare) Used to form the plural of nouns.


to make [adjective], to cause to be [adjective]


Suffix meaning "pertaining to", "having the qualities of", "resembling", "like". When attached to certain nouns that are the names of a material, it forms an adjective whose meaning is, made of (noun). This is a formative pattern with many obsolescent remnants. Fowler (1926) pointed out the tendency for the -en forms to be restricted to metaphorical and secondary senses. Changes in the form of the root noun, and the dropping of the "e" in the suffix occur. There are also orphan formations whose root has been lost to the current language.


Used to form the diminutives of certain nouns.


(obsolete) Used to form the infinitive of verbs. (obsolete) Used to form the plural present tense of verbs.
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