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Jin angličtina

Království Ťin

Význam Jin význam

Co v angličtině znamená Jin?


(geography) A river (晉水) in Shanxi Province, China, emptying into the Fen River. (historical, geography) A marchland (c. 1046–677 BC) and duchy (677–376 BC) of the Zhou Kingdom around the river. A Chinese and Korean surname. (historical) A titular principality of the Wei Empire (est. AD 264) and other later Chinese states. (historical, geography) An empire in China (AD 265–420) established by Sima Yan's overthrow of the Wei and replaced by barbarian conquerors in the north and Liu Yu's Song Empire in the south. (historical) }: the dynasty which ruled this empire. (historical, chiefly, _, Chinese, _, contexts) The late 3rd to early 5th century, the era during which the Sima clan were the legitimate emperors of China. (geography) A river (晉江) in Quanzhou Municipality, Fujian, emptying into the Taiwan Strait. (historical, _, geography) A prefecture of imperial China centered on Linfen, Shanxi. (historical, _, geography) as the seat of the prefecture. (historical, geography) An realm in early-10th century Shaanxi loyal to the Tang after their overthrow by the Later Liang. (historical, geography) The Later Jin, a short-lived empire in 10th-century Shaanxi; the 930s and '40s, the era of this empire. (historical) }: the dynasty which ruled this empire. imperial dynasty


A Chinese surname, given 29th among the Hundred Family Surnames. (historical, _, geography) A prefecture of imperial China centered on Ankang, Shaanxi. (historical, _, geography) as the seat of the prefecture. (historical, geography) An empire in northern China (AD 1115–1234) established by an invasion of Liao by the Wanyan Jurchens and overthrown by an invasion of the Mongols. (historical) }: the dynasty which ruled this empire. (historical, ethnography, uncommon) }: the Tungusic people who ruled this empire. (historical, chiefly, _, Chinese, _, contexts) The 12th to early 13th century, the era during which the Wanyan clan were the legitimate emperors of northern China. empire & era


(geography) A river (錦江) in Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces in China, emptying into the Bei or North River. (geography) A river (錦江) in Sichuan Province, China, emptying into the Min River. (historical, _, geography) A prefecture of imperial China centered on Luyang, Hunan. prefecture & seat


A Chinese surname. (geography) A river (靳江) in Hunan Province, China, emptying into the Xiang River.


(historical, geography) An ancient state or tribal confederation in northern Korea. (historical, geography) }, a northern Korean state, (particularly) between its AD 698 founding and 712 renaming. A Korean surname.


A Japanese male given name.
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Království Ťin

Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako Jin?

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jin čeština

Překlad Jin anglicky

Jak se anglicky řekne Jin?

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Příklady Jin anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit Jin do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Král Orel Jin Fei. jak bych to nemohla vědět?
King Eagle Jin Fei. how couldn't I know then?
Copak nevidíš, že hrdina Jin pláče?
Didn't you see that Hero Jin is crying?
Jin Fei.
Jin Fei.
Co to říkáte, Jin Fei?
What did you say to Jin Fei?
Takže vy, se bojíte Jin Feie, taky!
So you are afraid of Jin Fei, too!
Pak můžeme vyhrát nad Jin Feiem?
Then can you win Jin Fei?
Kde je Jin Fei?
Where's Jin Fei?
Sestro, já jsem řekla, Jin Fei. že mi neublížíš, ale..
Sister, I've told Jin Fei. that you won't hurt me, but you.
V katolické misii Im-Jin.
Imjin Baptist mission.
Blízko řeky Im-Jin.
We're close to the Imjin River.
Hlavní Jin Naomichi, hlášení pro povinnosti jako důstojník štábu Air Force.
Major Jin Naomichi, reporting for duty as Air Force Staff Officer.
Nyní, když jste tady, jděte si Air Force štábního důstojníka Jin pro mě.
Now that you're here, go find Air Force Staff Officer Jin for me.
Půjdeme si Air Force štábního důstojníka Jin.
We will go find Air Force Staff Officer Jin.
Jin je také těžce poraněný.
Jin's badly injured too.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyPaměť | MemoryJak anglicky mluvit o pamatování a zapomínání.Naučit se »