fire safety angličtina

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Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako fire safety?

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fire proofing fire insurance
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Příklady fire safety anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit fire safety do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Oh, my the moon is on fire--?
Oh, my the moon is on fire.?
White Fire je čtvrtý.
White Fire is fourth.
Put the fire in the middle of the room.
Put the fire in the middle of the room.
And due to our inadequate fire department, the building was a total loss.
And due to our inadequate fire department, the building was a total loss.
They say there was a fire on Chestnut Street last night.
They say there was a fire on Chestnut Street last night.
Earth, Wind and Fire?
Earth, Wind and Fire?
Charles Jefferson. na Earth, Wind and Fire s malým bráškou.
O víkendu jedeme na Fire Island.
We're going to Fire Island this weekend.
Oukej, první kdo bude na křižovatce Dragon Fire vyhrává.
Ok. First one to dragon fire crossing wins.
Give supporting fire!
Give supporting fire!
Shoot them!
Put a fire up his ass, Pentti!
Put a fire up his ass, Pentti!
Cover them! Fire!
Give supporting fire!

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