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Můj oblíbený kanál na You Tube je Deutsche Welle.

Citáty z filmových titulků

How are you?
Thank you, very well, vaše výsosti.
If you live on the land and your home burns down, you get another home.
Why do you ask that?
Do you speak English?
I should be sleeping like a log But when I get home to you.
You asked for it!
Nebyla to má ruka, co tě vedla. as easily and skillfully as you move your brush.
Thank you. Yes?
Have you thought about it, brother?
You take that company, Harrison Shaughnessy.
You are wasting your time.
Did you wire her?
Musíš tam nakráčet a You gotta go in there říct Oliverovi, že jsi schopná klidně odejít.
Říkám, kočí, what do you mean by going at this.
Might I inquire if you are the Dr. Seward. whose sanitarium is at Whitby?
Ale řekněte mi, But you tell me that he escapes from his room.
You know too much to live, Van Helsing.
And when was the next time you saw Miss Lucy. after she was buried?
How do you do?
Holmes: Thank you.
Here you go sir.
Get some of this muck down you.
Gun him down, damn you!
You ever had a good Swiss watch?
Noahu, what are you doing?
What do you think it could have been?
Thank you, sir.
You, uh. tahle diskuse už mě opravdu nudí.
Nothing, I tell you!
You can do it!
You must keep moving. You must. Jdou za námi.
You vole. jak můžeš říct, že auto s menší spotřebou je lepší?
You guys fii ll that place, Jestli to tam naplníte, 5000 babek vyděláte snadno.