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we čeština

Příklady we příklady

Jak se používá we?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Remember the story we read yesterday?
We want to buy milk.
We vodě bude schopen použít svou techniku Suio.
Jedinej drsnej chlápek dvanáct hodin živě, tady na We Love Radio, 108 FM.
Yes, Byron, we surely do. Ano, Byrone, vidíme. Vypadá to, že sledujeme rozvíjející se honičku naživo.
Tal mal tlak, mal we-ia.
We love this country!
They know we stole the-- What is that?
Sure. Come on in. I told you we should have went to U.C.L.A.
Tati, přišla Taun We.
We are far superior.
We could float among the stars together you and i for we can fly up-up and away Nazdárek!
We know why the wolves talk, do we not, Mr. Renfield?
And we know how we can make them stop.
Here we go.
There we go.
Jago mick we!
Gentlemen, I move that we appoint Congressman Reid President of the United States.
We won.
Almighty God. (sorry, tohle nepřeložím).Father of all mercies we, thine unworthy servants do give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for all Thy goodness and loving kindness to us and to all men.
We bless Thee for our creation preservation and all the blessings of this life but, above all for Thine inestimable love and redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ for the means of grace and for the hope of glory.
We want our money.
We have work to do.
Are we gonna stand for this?
We had a pisser of a time.
Yes, Byron, we surely do. Ano, Byrone, vidíme.
OK, we got two behind that crypt.
The Way We Were, to je pěknej film.
Podívej, Neero-- we watch out for each other, Všichni máme šanci dostat se do hnízdiště.
We should keep moving.
We can ifwe move fast enough.
We appear to have a visitor.
Oh, yes, we were.
That is the way we used to get in here.
Could we get another Earl Grey here?
Can we possibly be related?
Okay, takže, když sis nechal ocucávat palce u nohou we sucked down a free sixer from 7-Eleven.?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Je nepravděpodobné, že by bez nich došlo k takovým ujednáním, jako byla loňská dohoda mezi Čínou a Spojenými státy na snížení emisí oxidu uhličitého - nemluvě o iniciativách za mobilizaci podnikání, jako je We Mean Business.