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Citáty z filmových titulků

Je to ten Indický film, The Elephant with Two Tails.
As morning hues of sun-swept fire caress your passionate face. alone with thee a pure desire to worship untold grace.
And with your kisses set me burning Přestaň!
Could you be more careful with them?
Vzala si toho kreténa who my mom with my real dad. chtěl přejít ulici a toho chlapovi zastavit.
The One With Nap Partners Příjemná slečna.
I am fed up with it!
To jsou Niggas With Attitude.
Come on with it. and let it fly!
Je to pevný, ale něžný kung fu Shove a Thousand Cattle with Four Tales.
A Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
Tady jsme na party. Tell me what you were doing locked in the bathroom with Austin.
Koukněte, kdysi byl holič víc než každej jinej. who sit around in a FUBU shirt with his drawers hanging all out.
Ministře Katsumoto, moc mě to mrzí, it is with great regreat. ale musím Vás požádat, aby jste odložil meč.
Slečno Mino, oba tyto pokoje a vaši ložnici both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
Uvidíme Say lt With Music.
Anyone with any knowledge of the air knows. that the ultimate speed of aircraft is almost unlimited.
And should the occasion arise in peace or war, and you thought your superiors wrong, would you rush to the newspapers. with attacks against their behavior?
The court, again in closed session. and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty. with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
He made a deal with the sheriff.
What will I do with the smoke?
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature.
Mohli tam být stejní Američané, Japonci, Arabové. with the same eyes, tired from counting doIIars. se stejnýma očima, unavenýma od počítání dolarů.
Any trouble you have, you can share them with me.
Like a child does with a toy?
When you come to Chicago, come stay with us.
Traveling with my folks.
Tangled assholes with some squid.
Outback With Berry Hill?
What are you gonna do with it?
May be you can feed them with your hide!
What is it with you?
Uh, you can lie down with us.
Pushing them on with falsehope?
Walking with somebody.
I could be walking with a girl.
But I wanna be with you.
He has a very close relationship with his mother.
Challenger honored us with the manner in which they lived. Material from the scattered craft is reported to be.
You like fucking with my brain like Feinberg?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

V tomto ohledu je zajímavou právní normou oregonský Zákon o důstojné smrti (Death with Dignity Act).
There is little likelihood that people like Osama bin Laden can ever be attracted: only force can deal with such cases.

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