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-es angličtina

Význam -es význam

Co v angličtině znamená -es?


Used to form the regular plural of nouns that end in "(t)ch" (only when pronounced as [tʃ]) — glitch → glitches (but psych → psychs) that end in "(j)j" — hajj → hajjes ("j" is only final in loan words raj, hajj) that end in "(s)s(e)" — bus → buses, house → houses that end in "x" — box → boxes that end in "(z)z" — waltz → waltzes that end in "o" (in some cases) — tomato → tomatoes (but soprano → sopranos) that end in "sh" — ash → ashes that end in "y" — lady → ladies that end in "ce" — fence → fences that end in "(d)ge" — bridge → bridges, range → ranges


Used to form the third person singular present of verbs that end in "(t)ch" (only when pronounced as [tʃ]) — impeach → impeaches (but psych → psychs) that end in "(s)s" — miss → misses that end in "x" — tax → taxes that end in "(z)z" — fizz → fizzes that end in "o" — go → goes that end in "sh" — wish → wishes that end in "y" — cry → cries that end in "ce" — dance → dances that end in "(d)ge" — bridge → bridges, range → ranges
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