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now čeština

Příklady now příklady

Jak se používá now?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Now I wanna hear you scream!
All right, all together now.
Ale teď už není ve mně nenávisti. But now no longer I am right of my hate for anybody.
Mně se líbí Apocalypse Now.
Now let me be just as blunt.
Give us a raise now. Cením si všeho co jste pro tenhle obchod udělali.
Now we will bring to the stage the candidates.
Co je to umění now. voo?
Tak to je jméno tvé TV show? Now (Teď)?
Krysta Now právě dorazila. teď.
Skvělá práce, slečno Now.
Nikdo to neumí s čůrákem tak, jako Krysta Now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa now.
Have the carpenter lash those things down, now!
Ty nejslavnější domy z Now Yorské Fifth Avenue.
Do you swear the testimony you shall give in the proceedings now before us. shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
The line of questioning up to now is a familiar one. seeking to falsely characterize the accused. by the clever manipulation of semantics.
Well, now, would it be asking too much. if I could learn from you what crystal ball. you got these astounding facts from?
Well, now, then you have changed from that William Mitchell. who denounced his superiors in Texas.
How do you feel about the army now, Colonel?
Particularly to those who desire now to offer up their praises and thanksgivings for Thy late services vouchsafed unto them.
You can come out now, Mr Franklin.
Let me see, now.
Yeah, maybe someday, but right now, Ben, would you mind trying these?
Now to fill our pockets, eh, Jonathan?
Now I can pay my bills and you can have cheese.
Nothing can stop us now.
From now on, everything I eat is gonna be shit-free.
Hey, now, vyzkoušej bobos na superzrůdě.
Now, get away from me.
Now, come on.
I do not need this now.
Well, who now thinks of me as a sexy intellectual? My mom.
I understand now how people sometimes want to kill their lovers. Eat their lovers. Inhale the ashes of their dead lovers.
Because things are more difficult for you now I think you could use help.
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.
But now, the interim government has called early elections a muž který rozprodal zemi se vynořil z úkrytu. aby vhodil svůj klobouk do ringu.
Pay close attention now.
Nejdřív půjdu do Women Now. Protože fakt pomáhaj ženskejm.
Vítejte v Women Now, v místě kde jsou ženy věrné přítelkyně.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Aplikace Google Now shromažďuje informace potřebné k výpočtu ideálního času vašeho odjezdu na letiště.
Ve filmových dramatech, jako například (Apocalypse Now) Apokalypsa anebo (Platoon) Četa, číhají nepostižitelné stíny nepřátel v přízračných temnotách smrdutých bažin a džungle.
Firmě eCars - Now! trvalo pouhých 11 dní, než získala podpisy 500 zájemců.