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Jak se používá be?

Citáty z filmových titulků

O-Take-San je u správce čajovny, Kin-Be-Arakiho!
Be Happy.
I should be sleeping like a log But when I get home to you.
Virtue cannot fail to be recognized.
Člověk, který upadne v šílenství can also choose to be sane.
Be-fe-le-me, pes se veze, pane!
Neprežil by si be ze mě ani týden.
I must have it, since I know I want to speak up, not to be passive.
Will be a better place Měli bysme být venku a pracovat.
Jsem na tebe pyšná, be Ly.
Chtěla jsem se pomstit všem co by si to zasloužili. Would take revenge of all the one that deserve be avenged.
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be Posaďte se.
To die, to be really dead, that must be glorious.
Park mi připadá trochu stísňující, pane The park seems to be closing down a bit, sir.
Kamkoli by mohl jít, ale k Draculovi? Where else would he be going but to Dracula?
He may be needed.
You may remain silent, and, if you do so, no inference will be drawn one way or the other.
Do you swear the testimony you shall give in the proceedings now before us. shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
I had to choose between my duty to the army. and what I considered to be my duty to my country.
Well, now, would it be asking too much. if I could learn from you what crystal ball. you got these astounding facts from?
In view, then, of your present opinion. that your superiors are negligent and incompetent, could you give them unquestioned obedience. should you be returned to duty?
The court, again in closed session. and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty. with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
Herman Boettcher. - Be.
In our struggle for freedom, much credit must be given to this illustrious...mouse, for it was Amos who was really responsible for the great deeds attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
Say, that might be an idea.
Jsme přece na prázdninách. Keep smiling and be happy!
Be Happy!
Be. To by nevadilo.
Bylo by hloupé, kdyby zůstalo vniveč. Be a shame to let it go off!
Vrah be se mohl připlížit.
Can you be cold? Máš 11 minut na jeho rozmražení.
Uzavřený ve skle, se nám může jevit jako, Sealed in glass though it may be, samostatný živoucí organismus.
Some of these bags are gonna be yours, Phil.
From now on, everything I eat is gonna be shit-free.
Might be something I can put on this.
Be courageous. - Get ready!

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

There is little likelihood that people like Osama bin Laden can ever be attracted: only force can deal with such cases.
But the people the extremists recruit can be brought to choose moderation over extremism.