people čeština

Příklady people příklady

Jak se používá people?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Jsem z časopisu People. Prý se dívala na Burta Reynoldse.
Listen To The Flower People.
V období Flower People, kdo byl váš bubeník?
Kradu časopis People z ordinace mého zubaře.
Tohle je pro Dingbat News, ne pro magazín People.
A lot of people were deciding Spousta lidí rozhodovala o tom, co bylo soukromé, bez začlenění americké veřejnosti.
Mike Donaldson, People Magazine.
Má sekretářka ví o Americe jen to co se píše v časopise People.
Šel jsem na Village People.
Príšte to bude People.
Příště to bude People.
Má také rád Valentina i brýle od Oliver People.
But if these people knew I was using your Dial-A-Ho service, they might not understand.
I know your words will not go unheeded by the people of this country.
You see, Ben, people are beginning to sit up and take notice.
The time has come when we, the people of these colonies.
Now is the time when we, the people.
The time is at hand when we, the people, must.
When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature.
All fine people.
Tohle je vaše dřívější fotka. převzatá z magazínu people.
Jsem z časopisu People.
Too many people here.
Why do people hurt us so?
Vypadá jako z Village People.
Well.they speak English. dollar goes a long way. beautiful beaches, friendly people.
I understand now how people sometimes want to kill their lovers. Eat their lovers. Inhale the ashes of their dead lovers.
Nějaký starý film. Pod People nebo Mutant Pod Mushrooms nebo tak něco.
A People magazín.
People Village!
Jsme přátelští Village People!
People in the street have their minds on hold.
We black people got together -and decided.
We black people got together -and decided. -No more rumba!
We black people got together -and decided..
We black people got together and decided.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

There is little likelihood that people like Osama bin Laden can ever be attracted: only force can deal with such cases.
But the people the extremists recruit can be brought to choose moderation over extremism.