Er | yer | ser | per

-er angličtina

-ák, -ec, -ář

Význam -er význam

Co v angličtině znamená -er?


(added to verbs) A person or thing that does an action indicated by the root verb; used to form an agent noun. (added to verbs, informal) A person or thing to which the root verb can satisfactorily be done. (added to a noun denoting an occupation) A person whose occupation is (the noun). (added to a number, measurement or noun denoting a quantified set) A name for a person or thing that is based on a number (with or without a noun). (slang, chiefly, entertainment, with few limitations) Used to form nouns shorter than more formal synonyms. (informal, added to a noun) One who enjoys. (with numbers, measurements or quantified sets) ranked by or having...


(added to a proper noun) Suffix denoting a resident or inhabitant of (the place denoted by the proper noun); used to form a demonym. (used form a demonym) resident or inhabitant of...


(obsolete, no longer productive) Suffix used to form the plural of a small number of English nouns.


Person or thing connected with.


used to form the comparative of adjectives


used to form the comparative of adverbs


used to form frequentatives


(added to a verb) Instance of (the verbal action); used to form nouns from verbs, especially in legal terms.


(added to a verb or noun) Used to form diminutives.


used to form slang equivalents


(now, _, chiefly, _, dialectal) A suffix creating adjectives from verbs, indicating aptitude, proneness, or tendency toward a specified action:


(fiction) Junior, child, younger person. (Attached to a name, usually a portion of the given name.)
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Překlad -er překlad

Jak z angličtiny přeložit -er?

Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako -er?

-er angličtina » angličtina

more er or -ist tradesman person man greater agent -ian
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyZločin | CrimeJak mluvit a co říct, když jdete na policii oznámit trestný čin.Naučit se »

-er čeština

Překlad -er anglicky

Jak se anglicky řekne -er?

-er čeština » angličtina
