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-ite angličtina

Význam -ite význam

Co v angličtině znamená -ite?


(sometimes, pejorative) Used to form nouns denoting followers or adherents of a specified person, idea, doctrine, movement, etc. Used to form nouns denoting descendants of a specified historical person, especially a biblical figure. (chiefly, US) Used to form demonyms. Used to form nouns denoting rocks or minerals. Used to form nouns denoting fossil organisms. (biology) Used to form nouns denoting segments or components of the body or an organ of the body. Used to form nouns denoting the product of a specified process or a commercially manufactured product. a salt or ester of an acid whose name ends in -ous


Forms adjectives.
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Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako -ite?

-ite angličtina » angličtina

faction -ous

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