Příklady contracting State anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit contracting State do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Je tu Chino Hills State park, Azusa Fish Canyon vodopády,..
There's, um, the Chino Hills State Park, the Azusa Fish Canyon Falls.
Bohužel byl ten dopis lepší, než její přihláška, ale dostala se na Cal State Northridge, což je Northridgský Harvard.
Unfortunately the letter was better than her application, but she did get into Cal State Northridge, which is the Harvard of Northridge.
Blíží se k Empire State Building.
He is making for the Empire State Building.
Kong šplhá na Empire State Building.
Kong is climbing the Empire State Building.
Kolik měří Empire State Building?
How tall is the Empire State Building?
Vše záleží na tom, co jistá firma v Bostonu nazývaná Bay State Power udělá.
It's all according to what a Boston crowd called Bay State Power does.
Tak připijme na Bay State Power.
Then let's drink to Bay State Power.
Ne, připijeme si na Johnnyho a Julii a Bay State Power, lásku a štěstí a.
No, we'll drink to Johnny and Julia and Bay State Power, love and happiness and..
Máme příkaz koupit 60,000 akcií pro Rosse z Bay State Power.
We have an order to buy 60,000 shares for Ross of Bay State Power all the way up to 30.
To je Empire State Building.
That's the Empire State Building.
Na Empire State?
On top of the Empire State Building?
Na Empire State Building.
Top of the Empire State Building.
Jejich čIověk mě sleduje z vrcholku Empire State building. radarem.
And they have a man watching me, from the top of the Empire State Building. with radar.
Já chodím do Cal State, tady v Bernardinu.
I go to Cal State right here in San Berdoo.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyLetní dovolená | Summer holidayS těmito anglickými větami cestu na pláž určitě najdete.Naučit se 15vet.cz »