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Citáty z filmových titulků

You are disbarred from taking up government posts.
This is from Yunnan.
Whocouldtakemeaway from Jo. Teď to rozbalíme, okay?
Whocouldtakemeaway from my God Teď tišeji, dámy. Jo?
Whocouldtakemeaway from my God Zapojme do hry ramínka!
Podle mého názoru byste tady měli počkat než se vrátím z Coober Pedy s novou nádrží. from Coober Pedy.
Little Private Castanza from Eugene, Oregon.
The cover of his notebook is one step away from stalker material.
Tato kamerová zkouška na film Girl from Leningrad z roku 1942 nám nabízí vzácný pohled na její elán.
Tohle je Yael from Cosabella Lingerie.
I feel like I know that guy from somewhere.
How did I go from being an Ivy League Al Gore in the making to a knocked-up college dropout with a boyfriend that forgets to pack his toothbrush when he travels?
From the Funk side. Žádná sbírka bez toho nebude kompletní.
Jsme z Copenhagenu, a ty jsi z prudkýchnd you are from the rapids.
Jen malé říznutí od té sponky na papír. Just a small cut from that paper clip.
Ale řekněte mi, But you tell me that he escapes from his room.
Well, now, would it be asking too much. if I could learn from you what crystal ball. you got these astounding facts from?
Well, now, then you have changed from that William Mitchell. who denounced his superiors in Texas.
Plukovníku Mitchelle, proč jste neopustil armádu. and conduct your campaign legitimately from a civilian position?
The court, again in closed session. and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty. with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
Philosopher, inventor and patriot, he rose from obscurity to become one of the greatest figures in American history.
One of the church mice from over on Second Street.
From a novel by Ray Bradbury.
Ach ano, vy Where are you from?
Physiological compositions, and so if you are from another planet. Fyzické složení, takže jestli jste z jiné planety.
Mohli tam být stejní Američané, Japonci, Arabové. with the same eyes, tired from counting doIIars. se stejnýma očima, unavenýma od počítání dolarů.
A former pipe-fitter welder from Harrogate!
Plan 9 from Outer Space.
But a person can only see things from the perspective they choose.
Know that money I told you about from the armoured truck?
They stole from an armoured truck in our town.
From now on, everything I eat is gonna be shit-free.
It came from up ahead.
Now, get away from me.
You hid her from me.
Challenger honored us with the manner in which they lived. Material from the scattered craft is reported to be.
Okay, takže, když sis nechal ocucávat palce u nohou we sucked down a free sixer from 7-Eleven.?
How do you come back from that?
How do you come back from that as a human being?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

I to je jeden z důvodů, proč jsem napsal krátkou, ale - jak doufám - užitečnou knihu o mexickém přistěhovalectví do Spojených států, která nese název Ex-Mex: From Migrants to Immigrants ( Ex-Mexičané: Od migrantů k imigrantům ).

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