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Jak se používá this?

Citáty z filmových titulků

This Louiův kluk je totální pohroma.
This is from Yunnan.
This is what I call travelling in style.
This simple phrase - Proč?
Get out of this life, Left.
And this is what I say when I call on my man.
This is whatyou say when you call on your man.
This is not the real Berlin Wall.
Excuse me, is this your car?
We love this country!
Mulder, better come see this.
I just realized today that this was something worth saving.
Who is this?
Naházel pár věcí na sebe a zapálil je. and it would just go out when he went like this.
Říkám, kočí, what do you mean by going at this.
Nobody goes aboard this here boat but the authorities.
Is there anything that might have brought this dream on?
Slečno Mino, oba tyto pokoje a vaši ložnici both this room and your bedroom have been prepared with wolfbane.
Slečna Mina si nasadí tento věneček až půjde spát. is to wear this wreath of wolfbane when she goes to bed.
Get some of this muck down you.
This is moving day around here.
Well, let me put it this way.
Mitchell, at this time, I remind you that under the Articles of War, you have three choices as to procedure.
I know your words will not go unheeded by the people of this country.
I object to this whole line of questioning as irrelevant and immaterial.
The matter before this court is the facts behind the alleged offense.
Col. Mitchell, what explanation the War Department. will have to make to the Japanese ambassador. is beyond the province of this court.
This issue goes far beyond being a good soldier in-- in his sense of the word.
Jo, jsi velice, velice zfetovanej. Look at this.
Vypadá to, že bude trochu horko (This is gonna get a little hot).
Might be something I can put on this.
You mean, why did he get into this?
Who booked this trip, anyway?
This plant grew on our island.
She thinks that I did this.
I do not need this now.
Hi, this is Lizzie. Lizzie.
You get off on this.
This does it for you.
Look, this is not working, all right?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Jak ve své knize This Time is Different doložili Carmen Reinhartová a Kenneth Rogoff, postkrizová oživení výstupu a zaměstnanosti mají v dlouhém pásu dějin tendenci být výrazně pod úrovní trendu.
Jak Carmen Reinhartová a Kenneth Rogoff uvádějí ve své mistrovské knize This Time is Different (Tentokrát je to jiné), neexistuje žádný bezpečný způsob jak zkrátit bankovní krizi.
Jejich práce čerpá z nedávné knihy This Time Is Different (Tentokrát je to jiné) s podtitulem Osm století finanční bláhovosti, již Carmen Reinhartová napsala společně s Kennethem Rogoffem.
The Bush administration is beginning to understand this proposition, but it does not seem to know how to implement such a strategy.

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