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flip angličtina

salto, přemet, přepnout

Význam flip význam

Co v angličtině znamená flip?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


When you flip something, you turn it over, or you move it suddenly. If you flip that light switch, it will be a lot brighter in here. The cook flipped the pizza dough high into the air and caught it in his hands. When something flips, it turns over, usually quickly. Her car flipped over in the accident, but she wasn't hurt badly. The dolphin was taught to flip in the water when his trainer whistled. When you flip, you get very upset or angry. He said, "If I don't pass this math test, I am going to flip." His friend said back, "Why are you flipping out? You know you always do well in math."


A flip is a quick movement. With a quick flip of her wrist, she threw me the ball. When you do a flip, you jump up into the air and turn your body. She did a flip into the water and landed on her back. The dolphin did a flip and got a fish as a reward.


If a person is flip, they act like they are not serious. His mother asked him, "Could you be any more flip about failing the math test? You act like you don't care about school at all." When his girlfriend asked him if she looked fat, his flip comment made her cry.


lightly throw to see which side comes up I don't know what to do--I may as well flip a coin! zhasnout, rozsvítit, rožnout (= throw, switch) cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation switch on the light throw the lever kotrmelec (= somersault) an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water the act of flipping a coin a sudden, quick movement with a flip of the wrist the fish flipped over hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg (= toss) throw or toss with a light motion flip me the beachball toss me newspaper move with a flick or light motion (= flip over, turn over) turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse flip over the pork chop turn over the pancakes react in an excited, delighted, or surprised way he flipped when he heard that he was accepted into Princeton University go mad, go crazy He flipped when he heard that he was being laid off toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air (= flick) cause to move with a flick he flicked his Bic (= thumb, leaf) look through a book or other written material He thumbed through the report She leafed through the volume (= pass) (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team the pass was fumbled (= impudent) marked by casual disrespect a flip answer to serious question the student was kept in for impudent behavior (= interchange) reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
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Floating Instrument Platfor
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Jak se v angličtině časuje flip?

flip · sloveso

Příklady flip příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá flip?

Citáty z filmových titulků

All he's got is this old flip, and the battery's always dead.
Má staré véčko a věčně vybitou baterii.
Louisiana Flip, sir?
Koktail Louisiana flip, pane?
Louisiana Flip?
Louisiana flip?
A Louisiana Flip. Louisiana Flip, please.
Koktail Louisiana flip, prosím.
A Louisiana Flip. Louisiana Flip, please.
Koktail Louisiana flip, prosím.
A Louisiana Flip.
Louisiana flip.
A Louisiana Flip.
Louisiana flip.
Where's the Louisiana Flip?
Kde je ten Louisiana flip?
If you flip it over, see there?
Když to obrátíte. Tady.
Uh, bring Flip and Frowsy.
Ach, přiveďte Flipa a Frowsy.
Or at least, you know, try and flip it into a three-way.
Nebo aspoň, však víš, zkuste trojku.
Flip this under your flapper.
Pekne pod jazyk.
I'll flip you to see who pays for it.
Hodíme si, kdo ji zaplatí.
As long as you don't do a back flip-flop.
Dokud zase neuděláš přemet nazpět.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyVedro | HeatTakhle si můžete anglicky postěžovat na letní vedro.Naučit se »

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

So why did the IMF flip?
Proč tedy MMF obrátil?
Although Egypt's generals are by no means as threatened as their Algerian counterparts were in December 1991, they do have enough power to flip the tables.
Ačkoliv egyptští generálové v žádném případě nejsou tak ohrožení, jako byly v prosinci 1991 jejich alžírské protějšky, mají dostatek moci k tomu, aby otočili poměr sil.
In a world of fair play, the flip side of rule making is compliance, and compliance may require enforcement, through economic sanctions and other non-military measures.
Ve světě fair play je protějškem tvorby pravidel jejich dodržování a to může být potřeba vymáhat, pomocí hospodářských sankcí a dalších nevojenských opatření.
But the flip side of the cash nexus is the freedom and self-determination that comes from overturning customary social relations such as slavery and serfdom, which totally subordinated the individual to the will of a master.
Kladnou stránkou peněžních vazeb je ovšem svoboda a vlastní rozhodování, které vyplynulo ze svržení tradičních sociálních vztahů, jako bylo nevolnictví a otroctví, jež jedince naprosto podřizovaly vůli jeho pána.
Convincing studies of drugs and surgical procedures usually come only from randomized trials, in which patients receive treatment or don't according to a process analogous to a coin flip.
Přesvědčivé studie léků a chirurgických postupů obvykle vycházejí z randomizovaných experimentů, při nichž pacienti jsou nebo nejsou léčeni podle metody analogické k hodu mincí.
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, through his flip-flops, and Kim Jong Il, with his renewed nuclear blackmail, both seem determined to see relations deteriorate.
Jihokorejský prezident I Mjong-bak se svými názorovými přemety i Kim Čong-il se svým obnoveným jaderným vydíráním jsou zjevně odhodláni zasadit se o zhoršení vztahů.
This is the flip side of charity.
To je rub dobročinnosti.
The welfare state is the flip side of the open economy.
Sociální stát a otevřená ekonomika jsou dvě strany téže mince.
But the flip side of the trade surplus is the capital outflow.
Rubem obchodního přebytku je ale odliv kapitálu.
But this was just the flip side of what Keynes had worried about - insufficient global aggregate demand.
Šlo ale pouze o druhou stranu toho, čeho se obával Keynes - nedostatečné celosvětové agregátní poptávky.
When scientists figure out how to flip these switches, it might be possible to introduce stem cells into the body and activate them so that they correctly replace damaged tissue, whatever it is.
Jakmile vědci zjistí, jak lze tyto spínače ovládat, bude snad možné zavádět kmenové buňky do těla a aktivovat je tak, aby správně nahrazovaly jakoukoliv poškozenou tkáň.
The Bush administration's flip-flops and missteps are legion.
Prudké změny názorů a chybné kroky Bushovy administrativy jsou nesčetné.

flip čeština

Příklady flip anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit flip do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Koktail Louisiana flip, pane?
Louisiana Flip, sir?
Louisiana flip?
Louisiana Flip?
Koktail Louisiana flip, prosím.
A Louisiana Flip. Louisiana Flip, please.
Louisiana flip.
A Louisiana Flip.
Louisiana flip.
A Louisiana Flip.
Kde je ten Louisiana flip?
Where's the Louisiana Flip?
A co to je? - Vaječný flip.
Well, what's this?
Fleng, flip, vipa, bum!
Teď když mám nejnovější Flip T-4.
Now, if I had the latest Flip T-4.
Myslím, že si dám sassafrasový flip.
I think I shall have a sassafras flip.
Flip vpravo, dive vlevo, lndiáne.
Flip right, dive left, Indian.
Je to flip-flop.
It's a flip-flop thingy.
Tohle je logické schéma pro flip-flop, že ano?
This is a logic diagram for the flip-flop thingy, right?
Flip, nikdy jsem ti neřekl, že ta celá Vietnamská Válka.
Flip, did I ever tell you that the whole Vietnam War.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyDále! | Come in!Patnáct způsobů, jak anglicky někoho pozvat dál, nebo se naopak sám nechat pozvat.Naučit se »

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