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turn angličtina

otočit, zahnout, točit se

Význam turn význam

Co v angličtině znamená turn?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


To face a different direction The car turned the corner and went north. Walk down the street and turn left at the lights. The dancers turned round and around. If something turns a certain way, it becomes that way. The sky turned dark and cloudy. The game turned into a fight.


zahnout, otočit change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense Turn towards me The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs undergo a transformation or a change of position or action We turned from Socialism to Capitalism The people turned against the President when he stole the election stát (= become) undergo a change or development The water turned into ice Her former friend became her worst enemy He turned traitor cause to move around or rotate turn a key turn your palm this way (= reverse) change to the contrary The trend was reversed the tides turned against him public opinion turned when it was revealed that the president had an affair with a White House intern (= bend, crook) a circular segment of a curve a bend in the road a crook in the path (= turning) the act of changing or reversing the direction of the course he took a turn to the right (= grow) pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute; become The weather turned nasty She grew angry (= move around) pass to the other side of turn the corner move around the obstacle (= play) (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession it is my turn it is still my play an unforeseen development events suddenly took an awkward turn let (something) fall or spill from a container turn the flour onto a plate to send or let go They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor's mansion shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel turn the legs of the table turn the clay on the wheel otočit cause to move around a center so as to show another side of turn a page of a book točit, otočit move around an axis or a center The wheels are turning obrat the act of turning away or in the opposite direction he made an abrupt turn away from her change color In Vermont, the leaves turn early (= twist) turning or twisting around (in place) with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room (= turning) a movement in a new direction the turning of the wind orat (= plow, plough) to break and turn over earth especially with a plow Farmer Jones plowed his east field last week turn the earth in the Spring vyvrtnout si (= twist, sprain, wrench) twist suddenly so as to sprain wrench one's ankle The wrestler twisted his shoulder the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days become officially one year older She is turning 50 this year (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive taking a short walk out and back we took a turn in the park (= good turn) a favor for someone he did me a good turn channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something The pedophile turned to boys for satisfaction people turn to mysticism at the turn of a millennium cause to move along an axis or into a new direction turn your face to the wall turn the car around turn your dance partner around get by buying and selling the company turned a good profit after a year alter the functioning or setting of turn the dial to 10 turn the heat down direct at someone She turned a smile on me They turned their flashlights on the car cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold accomplish by rotating turn a somersault turn cartwheels (= call on) have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to She called on her Representative to help her She turned to her relatives for help (= sour, work) go sour or spoil The milk has soured The wine worked The cream has turned--we have to throw it out (= go, spell) a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else) it's my go a spell of work (= act, routine, number) a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program he did his act three times every evening she had a catchy little routine it was one of the best numbers he ever did kroutit (= bend, twist) cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form bend the rod twist the dough into a braid the strong man could turn an iron bar
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyNerozumím! | I don't understand!Těchto patnáct vět vám v angličtině pomůže vybruslit ze situace, když jste něčemu nerozuměli.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Překlad turn překlad

Jak z angličtiny přeložit turn?

Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako turn?
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyV restauraci | In the restaurantTyhle anglické věty vám pomůžou domluvit se s obsluhou restaurace.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Časování turn časování

Jak se v angličtině časuje turn?

turn · sloveso

Příklady turn příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá turn?

Jednoduché věty

Turn on your back.
Otoč se na záda!
Turn off the television. I can't concentrate.
Vypni televizi. Nemůžu se soustředit.
We took a turn around the city in our car.
Objeli jsme si město kolem našim autem.
Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself.
Každý muž se postupně postavil a představil se.
Please turn on the radio.
Zapni prosím rádio.
Please turn on the radio.
Zapněte prosím rádio.
Turn the radio up a little.
Zesil trošku rádio.
Please turn the television on.
Zapni prosím televizi.
Can I turn on the TV?
Můžu zapnout televizi?
Do you mind if I turn off the light?
Bude ti vadit, když zhasnu?
If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building.
Když zahnete do leva, uvidíte bílou budovu.
If you turn to the left, you'll see a white building.
Když zahneš do leva, uvidíš bílou budovu.
The man I was waiting for didn't turn up.
Člověk, na kterého jsem čekal, se nedostavil.
We threw the ball in turn so that everyone could have a try.
V házení míče jsme se střídali, aby příležitost dostal každý.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyNeboj se! | Don't be afraid!Patnáct anglických vět na téma strach a obavy.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Citáty z filmových titulků

Turn around and back away three steps.
Otoč se a ustup o tři kroky.
What lay behind the momentous decision to turn inwards?
Co leželo za závažným rozhodnutím stáhnout se dovnitř?
They, in turn, were closely followed by the French.
Postupně byli těsně následování Francouzi.
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
Vypnout! Je to tak?
Turn it off!
Turn. It.
So just realize you have a curable curse, And turn it off!
Proto je lepší to léčit a vypnout!
Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!
Je to úžasné, vypněte je jako vypínač.
Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!
Je to úžasné, vypněte je jako vypínač.
Turn it off! Turn it off! Turn it off!
Je to úžasné, vypněte je jako vypínač.
And turn it off!
Turn it, turn it, turn it, turn it.
Pryč, pryč, vypnuté.
Turn it, turn it, turn it, turn it.
Pryč, pryč, vypnuté.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

This, in turn, created once again the kind of win-win situation that is so important for future relations between the EU and Russia.
Kompromisem bylo dosaženo situace, v níž se žádná ze stran necítí poražená, což je pro budoucí vztahy mezi Unií a Ruskem velmi důležité.
That boost in assets will, in turn, enable local credit markets, such as micro-finance, to begin operating.
Takto posílená aktiva zase umožní fungování místních úvěrových trhů, například finančnictví na mikroúrovni.
As we enter a new era of sustainable development, impunity must turn to responsibility.
Jelikož vstupujeme do nové éry udržitelného rozvoje, beztrestnost se musí změnit v zodpovědnost.
What is to be done when ex-KGB warriors turn their swords and bugs against one another?
Co lze dělat, když bývalí bojovníci z KGB obrátí své meče a štěnice proti sobě?
Subsequently, the EU would monitor Kosovo and prevent any dispute that might turn violent.
Následně by EU na Kosovo dohlížela a bránila jakémukoli sporu, který by mohl získat násilný charakter.
To be sure, Bernie Madoff may yet be proved right, and his will not turn out to be the biggest Ponzi scheme ever.
Ovšemže se ještě může ukázat, že pravdu měl Bernie Madoff a že jeho pyramidová hra nebyla ze všech největší.
Improved economic prospects and the strengthening of institutions, in turn, would have a positive impact on the political climate throughout the Balkans.
Lepší hospodářské vyhlídky a posílení institucí by pak měly pozitivní dopad na politické klima v celém regionu jihovýchodní Evropy.
Nevertheless, they find that many of our biggest concerns will turn out to be trivial, or even beneficial.
Autoři přesto zjišťují, že mnohé naše největší obavy se nakonec ukážou jako triviální, ba dokonce i prospěšné.
A war of memories, in turn, may sometimes lead to a violent conflict in the future.
Válka vzpomínek pak může někdy vést k násilnému konfliktu v budoucnosti.
Turkey's seeming fall from grace with the US may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Turecko sice zdánlivě upadlo v USA v nemilost, to se ale může projevit jako skryté požehnání.
Only the emerging and developing economies of Asia could effectively contribute to lifting global demand through a coordinated effort aimed at boosting domestic consumption, which, in turn, would stimulate additional investment.
Ke zvýšení globální poptávky by tak mohly efektivně přispět pouze rozvíjející se a rozvojové ekonomiky v Asii, a to prostřednictvím koordinovaného úsilí zaměřeného na zvýšení domácí spotřeby, které by potažmo stimulovalo dodatečné investice.
A country that makes progress on human rights and commits to the change of behavior required to meet these international standards can also make a decisive turn toward a better future.
Země, která dosahuje pokroku v oblasti lidských práv a snaží se o změnu chování nutnou pro splnění těchto mezinárodních standardů, může zároveň učinit rozhodující obrat směrem k lepší budoucnosti.
Ireland owes much of this turnaround to its efficient export sector, whose supporters were able to enforce a political U-turn.
Z velké části vděčí Irsko za tento obrat svému efektivnímu exportnímu sektoru, jehož podporovatelům se podařilo vynutit politickou otočku.
More recently, Meles coordinated efforts with Kenya to stage limited strikes against the al-Shabaab militia, which has waged an unrelenting war to turn Somalia into a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy.
Nedávno Meles koordinoval s Keňou úsilí o podniknutí omezených úderů proti milicím aš-Šabáb, které svádějí nelítostný boj za proměnu Somálska ve fundamentalistickou islámskou teokracii.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickySourozenci | Brothers and sistersPatnáct vět, které se vám budou hodit, až se budete anglicky bavit o svých sourozencích.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

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