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twist angličtina

kroutit, zkroutit, zkroucení

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Co v angličtině znamená twist?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


To turn one part of something in one direction and another part in the other direction at the same time.


(= writhe, wriggle) to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) The prisoner writhed in discomfort The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace kroutit (= bend, turn) cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form bend the rod twist the dough into a braid the strong man could turn an iron bar turn in the opposite direction twist one's head (= construction) an interpretation of a text or action they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct (= turn) an unforeseen development events suddenly took an awkward turn (= device, gimmick) any clever maneuver he would stoop to any device to win a point it was a great sales gimmick a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen form into twists Twist the strips of dough form into a spiral shape The cord is all twisted (= spin, twisting) the act of rotating rapidly he gave the crank a spin it broke off after much twisting (= turn) turning or twisting around (in place) with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room twist social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popular in the 1960s they liked to dance the twist a jerky pulling movement vyvrtnout si (= sprain, wrench, turn) twist suddenly so as to sprain wrench one's ankle The wrestler twisted his shoulder the hikers sprained their ankles when they fell I turned my ankle and couldn't walk for several days překroutit practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive Don't twist my words do the twist (= wrench) twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached or from where it originates wrench a window off its hinges wrench oneself free from somebody's grip a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest (= wind, curve) extend in curves and turns The road winds around the lake the path twisted through the forest (= kink) a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight (= wrench, pull) a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments the wrench to his knee occurred as he fell he was sidelined with a hamstring pull (= eddy) a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself (= wind, winding) the act of winding or twisting he put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind (= bend, crook) a circular segment of a curve a bend in the road a crook in the path cop (= braid) a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
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Jak se v angličtině používá twist?

Jednoduché věty

Don't twist his words.
Nepřekrucuj jeho slova.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickySourozenci | Brothers and sistersPatnáct vět, které se vám budou hodit, až se budete anglicky bavit o svých sourozencích.Naučit se »

Citáty z filmových titulků

With stark indifference, Muffat is struck by a final twist of fate.
Naprosto lhostejně přijímá Muffat poslední ránu osudu.
He'll twist him around his little finger.
Omotá si ho kolem malíčku.
What a twist.
To je zvrat.
Funny twist, isn't it?
Legrační zvrat, co?
We'II twist the roulette table around, the jury can sit there.
Stůl s ruletou přetočíme, tam může být porota.
They intersect, overlap, twist in and out, to form a jumble of mazes.
A ty se všelijak kříží, překrývají a různě propojují, což je naprosto nepřehledný labyrint.
I wouldn't be squealing if he hadn't been with another twist.
Nikdy bych ho nepráskla, kdyby mi nezahejbal s tou druhou.
Give 'em a twist. Yeah. That's it.
A zakruťte mu s nima.
As if he isn't going to be hurt enough, she has to twist a knife in him too.
Nestací, že ho ceká zklamání. Ona mu ješte otocí nožem v ráne.
Am I the kind of a guy a woman can twist around her little finger?
Jsem druh hocha kterého žena může otočit kolem prstu?
Tell me, is it the perspective. that gives my nose that curious twist in the middle?
Řekněte, to ta perspektiva. dělá mému nosu ten podivný ohyb uprostřed?
You gotta twist him around a pole or somethin' to get what you want.
Když chcete dosáhnout svého, musíte ho zatočit kolem tyčky.
If ever a plot need a twist, this one does. Huh?
Pokud příběh potřebuje zvrat, tohle je ono.
Tarzan will twist your head off for this and feed it to hyenas.
Za tohle vám Tarzan utrhne hlavu a nakrmí s ní hyeny.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

The Sudairis, it seems, have apparently left their half brother alone to twist in the wind. Abdullah's proposal could weaken his position domestically, particularly in relation to the country's powerful Islamists.
Sudairiové, zdá se, nechali svého nevlastního bratra na holičkách. Abdulláhův návrh by tak mohl významně oslabit jeho domácí postavení, především ve vztahu k vlivným saúdskoarabským islamistům.
The second worrying development in Germany - intimately linked to the first - is the latest twist in the debate on the planned enlargement of the European Union to bring in ten or more countries from Central and Eastern Europe.
Dalším znepokojujícím vývojem v Německu - jenž je úzce propojen s prvním - je nedávný obrat v debatě o rozšíření Evropské unie, po němž by se členy tohoto sdružení mělo stát dalších deset či více zemí střední a východní Evropy.
Reporters are not entitled to so twist the facts as to reinvent them.
Reportéři nemají právo překrucovat fakta, aby je poté odhalili.
By a lucky twist, however, on the day the court ruled, Lord Russell Johnston, Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, was in Armenia.
Šťastnou shodnou náhod však v den vynesení rozsudku byl v Arménii lord Russell Johnston, předseda parlamentního shromáždění Rady Evropy.
The twist in this tale is that only half of the owners were correctly informed.
Zápletka v tomto příběhu spočívá v tom, že pouze polovina majitelů byla informována správně.
Located on campus, the program's facilities resemble colorful Google offices, but with a Finnish twist: video conference rooms have been built into sauna-like structures.
Program sídlí v univerzitním areálu, jehož objekty připomínají pestrobarevné kanceláře Googlu, avšak s finskou příchutí: videokonferenční sály jsou vestavěné v budovách připomínajících sauny.
But there is a twist.
Má to ale háček.
Television and newspapers continue to trumpet every twist and turn of global financial markets.
Televize a noviny nepřestávají roztrubovat každý hop a skok globálních finančních trhů.
That is one twist that Prebisch would never have anticipated.
To je zvrat, který by Prebisch nikdy nepředpokládal.
The question is reasonable enough if we don't give it an American twist.
Otázka tedy zní docela rozumně, dokud jí nedáme americký podtext.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyMáme naspěch | In a hurryTyhle věty vám přijdou v angličtině vhod, až budete pospíchat.Naučit se »

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