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crawl angličtina

lézt, plazit se

Význam crawl význam

Co v angličtině znamená crawl?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


The way an animal or baby might walk. If something crawls, it walks on four or more legs. For a person, this means using the hands and arms like legs. I crawled through the tunnel. If something crawls, it moves slowly. Yesterday seemed so long, like time was crawling. If your skin crawls. you feel bugs are crawling over your body. This is often a way of saying you are afraid or disturbed. Just hearing about that makes my skin crawl. If a place is crawling with something, that thing covers that place. The club was crawling with people I'd like to meet.


A crawl is when something crawls on more than two legs. If was a long crawl though the bushes. If something is moving at a crawl, it is going slowly. We were making progress, but only at a crawl. The crawl is a way of swimming. The first stroke we learned in swimming class was the crawl.


plazit, lézt move slowly; in the case of people or animals with the body near the ground The crocodile was crawling along the riverbed feel as if crawling with insects My skin crawled--I was terrified a very slow movement the traffic advanced at a crawl (= crawling, creep, creeping) a slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body a crawl was all that the injured man could manage the traffic moved at a creep a swimming stroke; arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick be full of The old cheese was crawling with maggots swim by doing the crawl European children learn the breast stroke; they often don't know how to crawl (= fawn) show submission or fear
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Překlad crawl překlad

Jak z angličtiny přeložit crawl?

Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako crawl?
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Časování crawl časování

Jak se v angličtině časuje crawl?

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Příklady crawl příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá crawl?

Citáty z filmových titulků

It could crawl overboard on its own!
To maso by dokázalo samo přelézt přes palubu!
Crawl forward!
Kupředu plazit!
Crawl forward!
K zemi! Kupředu plazit!
Never thought I'd ever crawl back into this hole.
Nečekala jsem, že se octnu zase v téhle díře.
You'd better crawl, or I might have to put the lug on you.
Radši zvolni, nebo to do tebe našiju!
I think you can make it if you crawl along the cliff in back of you.
Myslím, že to zvládneš plížením zady k útesu.
Asking me to crawl on my belly the last thing I do.
Abych se v poslední minutě pIaziI.
You can't talk to me that way then crawl out of it.
Nemůžete se mnou takhle mluvit a pak se ke mně lísat.
Even if we both have to crawl on our bellies to every fat old cat.
I kdybychom se tu měli plazit.
I want to crawl to her feet, whimper to be forgiven. for loving me, for needing her more than my own life. for belonging to her more than my own soul.
Chci se před ní plazit a prosit ji, aby mi odpustila. aby mě milovala, protože ji potřebuji víc než svůj život. Patřím k ní víc, než ke mě má vlastní duše.
They're working on our spirits, trying to make us cringe and crawl, working on our decency.
Pokoušej se, abysme se krčili a plazili, berou nám naši důstojnost. - Slíbil jsi mi to, Tome.
According to your beautiful ideals, I'm supposed to crawl away somewhere and die. so that you and Bob can be friends.
Podle tvých ideálů mám já někam zalézt a chcípnout. abyste ty a Bob mohli dál kamarádit.
Would you rather crawl to them?
Pokud je to nutné, tak ano.
Much as I'd like to kill the Monster, I'd hate to crawl around through those dark catacombs of Frankenstein's castle in the black of the night.
Ale nerad bych bloudil v temných ruinách hradu Frankenstein, uprostřed noci.
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Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Without exception, population growth in rich countries has slowed to a crawl.
Populační růst se v bohatých zemích bez výjimky téměř zastavil.
If, in future, every country continues to send at least one commissioner to Brussels, the process will grind to a crawl, if not a halt.
Pokud i v budoucnu bude každá země do Bruselu vysílat alespoň po jednom komisaři, proces bude dále zadrhávat a v nejhorším případě se možná i zcela zastaví.
Certainly, the trend toward full-service single regulators outside the central bank has slowed to a crawl (though Indonesia is consolidating regulators at present).
Jisté je, že směřování k jedinému regulátorovi stojícímu mimo centrální banku a zajišťujícímu kompletní spektrum služeb se zpomalilo do plíživého tempa (třebaže Indonésie v současné době regulátory konsoliduje).
Coming from the other direction, China's crawl toward a more market-oriented brand of capitalism also has potential pitfalls.
Na druhé straně má také plíživý čínský posun k tržněji orientované formě kapitalismu potenciální nástrahy.

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