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slide angličtina

skluzavka, sklouznutí, sklouznout

Význam slide význam

Co v angličtině znamená slide?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


If something slides, it moves smoothly and easily, usually over a surface. She put on the brakes and slid sideways fifteen yards before she was stopped by a pine tree. Carefully slide the egg from the fry pan onto the warm plate. She slid the paper beneath the door. He jumped into the elevator just as its door was sliding shut. He sat down and slid the shoes on quickly. Jordana took a deep breath and slid into a seat near the back of the room. Slipping and sliding on the snowy sidewalks, I slowly walked up toward the house. She felt his fingers sliding under her hair, along the base of her neck. Lean forward to see if the new glasses slide off your nose. He slid his hand slowly into his pocket. Emma slid out of bed, jumping when her feet touched the icy floor. They watched their shadows slide along the wall beside them. If prices, numbers, rates, etc. slide, they go down. Oil prices are expected to slide in the near future.


A slide is a structure, usually on a playground, that you slide down. He made a splash by entering the pool on a water slide. A slide is a small photographic image on transparent plastic. When Kodak stopped making the slide projector last fall, it was the end of an era. A slide presentation on the history of the Irving Park neighborhood will be shown throughout the day. The photo contest has winners in slides, prints, and digital images. I'm going to show you some slides of real patients and real injuries that are pretty nasty. A microscope slide is a piece of glass to hold something under a microscope. She transferred each flake to a glass slide under a microscope. A slide is a long slow movement down. He's just an actor whose life is on a downward slide. The slide in gas prices won't continue. A slide is a sliding part of a machine or musical instrument. His trombone slide was stuck. So he had to excuse himself to get it oiled. A slide is a smooth, easy movement, usually over a surface. A rock, snow, or mud slide is when a large amount of the material falls down a hill or mountain.


uklouznout, dostat smyk, smýkat (= skid) move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner the wheels skidded against the sidewalk to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly They slid through the wicket in the big gate move smoothly along a surface He slid the money over to the other gambler a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study skluzavka plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide sesuv (geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc (= coast) the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope (= swoop) (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides a transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector (= chute) sloping channel through which things can descend
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Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako slide?
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Časování slide časování

Jak se v angličtině časuje slide?

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Příklady slide příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá slide?

Jednoduché věty

Tom slid down the water slide.
Tom sjel dolů po bazénové skluzavce.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

It seems he's going to let it slide.
Zdá se, že musel uklouznout.
There's not a lot of furniture, so there's plenty of room to slip and slide around in our socks like in Risky Business.
Není tam moc nábytku, takže je plno možností kde se pohybovat v našich ponožkách jako v Rocky Business.
He rushes to the rope which hangs from the point of the shell and letting himself slide down the rope he gives it an impetus which causes the shell to fall off the edge of the moon.
To uděluje střele sílu, která způsobí její pád přes okraj Měsíce. Selenita, snažící se střelu zadržet, je stažen spolu s ní. Svým zavěšením na projektilu dopomáhá jeho přepadu.
One of my granddaughters dared me to slide down the banister.
Vnučka chtěla, abych sjel po zábradlí.
From the roof he could slide down the drainpipe.
Z té střechy mohl sklouznout po okapu.
A slide valve with a fine screw on the stem.
Šoupátko s jemným šroubem.
There's a slide valve for it.
Tady bude šoupátko.
Last winter, a snow slide come down on that man's house and killed him dead.
Minulou zimu spadla na jeho dům lavina a zabila ho.
Slide, you idiot, slide!
Sklouzni, idiote, sklouzni!
Slide, you idiot, slide!
Sklouzni, idiote, sklouzni!
I'll slide it out, hide it in a hollow old apple tree.
Vytáhnu ji a schovám ve staré duté jabloni.
Come on, slide in.
Tak si naskočte.
It's like a blasted lantern slide.
Je to jako zatracené promítací plátno v biografu.
Slide rules, cracking plants?
O měřicích nástrojích, naftových rafineriích?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

These devices didn't become household items because governments subsidized purchases or forced up the price of typewriters and slide rules.
Tato zařízení se nestala běžnou součástí domácností proto, že by vlády dotovaly jejich nákupy anebo uměle zvyšovaly ceny psacích strojů a logaritmických pravítek.
Weak neighbors are states that the Kremlin can control, so why not expand Russian power by letting Ukraine slide into protest and anarchy if by doing so it brings that country back under Putin's thumb?
Slabé sousedy může Kreml ovládat, takže proč nerozšířit ruskou moc a neponechat Ukrajinu sklouznout k protestům a anarchii, pokud tím tuto zemi přivedeme zpět pod Putinův pantofel?
But the fact that the dollar has continued to slide while gold prices have continued to rise suggests considerable skepticism from markets.
Skutečnost, že dolar nadále sklouzává, zatímco ceny zlata nepřestávají růst, dokládá ale značnou skepsi trhů.
Draghi reversed the euro's slide into oblivion by promising potentially unlimited purchases of member governments' bonds.
Slibem potenciálně neomezených nákupů dluhopisů členských vlád poslal Draghi sesuv eura do zapomnění.
They also pursued an expansionary monetary policy and let interest rates slide.
Dále zahájili expanzivní monetární politiku a umožnili pokles úrokových sazeb.
Will any country that legalizes therapeutic cloning inevitably slide down the so-called slippery slope and end up tolerating reproductive cloning?
Dostane se někdy některá z těchto zemí, která dnes povoluje terapeutické klonování, na pověstnou šikmou plochu, aby nakonec povolila také reproduktivní klonování?
On the logical slippery slope, you slide to the bottom and embrace the morally unacceptable because there is no way to distinguish it from an acceptable practice.
Na logické šikmé ploše člověk sklouzne na samé dno a přijme morálně nepřípustné chování, poněvadž nemá, jak by je odlišil o přípustné praxe.
You can slide down the sociological slippery slope from one practice to the other - even if the two are conceptually different - just because the existence of one creates a social climate receptive to the other.
Na sociologické šikmé ploše ale lze klesat od jedné praxe k dalším - i když je každá z nich koncepčně zcela rozdílná - prostě proto, že existence jedné vytváří sociální klima otevřené praktikám následujícím.
As a result, the slide was halted, and the rebound was faster than forecasters expected.
Sklouzávání se tak podařilo zastavit a odraz byl rychlejší, než prognostici očekávali.
But, having cut off the downward slide of 2008-2009, they ran out of intellectual and political ammunition.
Když ale zastavily skluz let 2008-2009, došla jim intelektuální i politická munice.
Only bold policies can halt Europe's slide toward secular stagnation and nationalist populism.
Pouze smělá politika může zastavit sklouzávání Evropy k sekulární stagnaci a nacionalistickému populismu.
It should not come as a surprise that the Euro started to slide against the Dollar, considering the differences in economic performance between America and Europe.
Vzhledem k rozdílům mezi hospodářským výkonem Evropy a Ameriky by nemělo snad nikoho překvapit, že euro vůči dolaru začalo klesat.
Circuit-breakers are in place nowadays to prevent a 1929-style slide into disaster.
Dnes máme k dispozici jisticí mechanismy, které brání tomu, aby se pokles na způsob roku 1929 změnil v katastrofu.
Therefore, those wanting to stop the slide into an unnecessary and risky war must make their own argument about credibility.
Proto ti, kdo chtějí zabránit sklouznutí do zbytečné a riskantní války, musí nechat zaznít svůj vlastní argument o věrohodnosti.
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