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fall angličtina

podzim, padnout, padat

Význam fall význam

Co v angličtině znamená fall?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


When something or someone falls, it moves down quickly down through the air because nothing is holding it. It moves to a lower position because of gravity. The apple fell from the tree. The bridge is falling down. He tripped on a banana peel and fell down, hurting his leg. When someone falls, they can mean coming down to the ground on purpose, lying with the face down. He fell to the floor and begged for mercy. Falling is when someone or something has been defeated. The Romans fell to the Goths in 410 AD.


Fall is the name for autumn used only in North America, named after the falling of leaves during the season. It is the season when the weather is getting colder, after summer and before winter. These plants are growing big and they will be ready to eat in the fall. A fall or falls or waterfall is a part of a river where water is falling. We went to the falls to eat lunch outside and watch the water falling. A fall is when people suffered a loss of greatness or status, such as the fall of Rome.


padat, padnout descend in free fall under the influence of gravity The branch fell from the tree The unfortunate hiker fell into a crevasse sestoupit (= go down) move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way The temperature is going down The barometer is falling The curtain fell on the diva Her hand went up and then fell again pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind fall into a trap She fell ill They fell out of favor Fall in love fall asleep fall prey to an imposter fall into a strange way of thinking she fell to pieces after she lost her work podzim the season when the leaves fall from the trees in the fall of 1973 (= come) come under, be classified or included fall into a category This comes under a new heading suffer defeat, failure, or ruin We must stand or fall fall by the wayside (= precipitate) fall from clouds rain, snow and sleet were falling Vesuvius precipitated its fiery, destructive rage on Herculaneum (= spill) a sudden drop from an upright position he had a nasty spill on the ice occur at a specified time or place Christmas falls on a Monday this year The accent falls on the first syllable (= shine, strike) touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly Light fell on her face The sun shone on the fields The light struck the golden necklace A strange sound struck my ears die, as in battle or in a hunt Many soldiers fell at Verdun Several deer have fallen to the same gun The shooting victim fell dead be captured The cities fell to the enemy (= decrease) decrease in size, extent, or range The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester The cabin pressure fell dramatically her weight fell to under a hundred pounds his voice fell to a whisper a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity a fall from virtue to be given by assignment or distribution The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team The onus fell on us The pressure to succeed fell on the youngest student lose office or power The government fell overnight The Qing Dynasty fell with Sun Yat-sen yield to temptation or sin Adam and Eve fell (= descent) a downward slope or bend a sudden decline in strength or number or importance the fall of the House of Hapsburg a movement downward the rise and fall of the tides move in a specified direction The line of men fall forward (= capitulation, surrender) the act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions) they were protected until the capitulation of the fort when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat go as if by falling Grief fell from our hearts come as if by falling Night fell Silence fell begin vigorously The prisoners fell to work right away be born, used chiefly of lambs The lambs fell in the afternoon slope downward The hills around here fall towards the ocean (= return, devolve) be inherited by The estate fell to my sister The land returned to the family The estate devolved to an heir that everybody had assumed to be dead fall to somebody by assignment or lot The task fell to me It fell to me to notify the parents of the victims to be given by right or inheritance The estate fell to the oldest daughter drop oneself to a lower or less erect position She fell back in her chair He fell to his knees lose an upright position suddenly The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table Her hair fell across her forehead be cast down his eyes fell assume a disappointed or sad expression Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off his crest fell come out; issue silly phrases fell from her mouth lose one's chastity a fallen woman be due payments fall on the 1st of the month (= hang, flow) fall or flow in a certain way This dress hangs well Her long black hair flowed down her back (= accrue) come into the possession of The house accrued to the oldest son pád (= drop) a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height (= drop, dip, free fall) a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index there was a drop in pressure in the pulmonary artery a dip in prices when that became known the price of their stock went into free fall soumrak (= twilight) the time of day immediately following sunset he loved the twilight they finished before the fall of night


the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve women have been blamed ever since the Fall
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Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako fall?

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fall autumn
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Jak se v angličtině časuje fall?

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Příklady fall příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá fall?

Jednoduché věty

Did you fall in love with her at first sight?
Zamiloval ses do ní na první pohled?
There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter.
Jsou čtyři roční období: jaro, léto, podzim a zima.
I saw an old man fall on his back in the street.
Viděl jsem starého muže, jak na ulici upadl na záda.
Autumn came and the leaves started to fall.
Přišel podzim a začalo padat listí.
She is getting married this fall.
Vdává se teď na podzim.
She was injured in a fall.
Při pádu se zranila.
Leaves begin to fall in October.
Listí začíná opadávat v říjnu.
I can't fall asleep.
Nemůžu usnout.
I can't fall asleep.
Nemohu usnout.
The moon is pretty in the fall.
Měsíc je krásný na podzim.
It's a lot easier to fall in love than to stay in love.
Je mnohem snadnější se zamilovat, než zůstat zamilovaný.
Some flowers bloom in the spring and other flowers bloom in the fall.
Některé květiny kvetou na jaře a jiné zase na podzim.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Jablko nepadá daleko od stromu.
Be careful not to fall.
Pozor ať nespadneš.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyPráce a zaměstnání | Work and jobsPatnáct nejdůležitějších vět, které v angličtině potřebujete, když chcete konverzovat o práci a zaměstnání.Naučit se »

Citáty z filmových titulků

Now the terror groups in Area 11 will lose their popular support and fall apart.
Díky tomuhle ztratí teroristické skupiny v Arei 11 podporu lidí a zhroutí se.
You guys gonna be so gullible to fall for this, really?
To jste vážně tak naivní, že se necháte nachytat na tohle?
Otherwise, a person like our Young Master wouldn't fall for her.
Ale stejně člověk jako je náš mladý pán, by jí neměl podlehnout.
Her and her partner took a bad fall.
Ona a partner spadli.
But don't you still have to find a fall guy and fire someone?
Ale nemusíš stále najít obětního beránka a vyhodit někoho?
No-one can really choose who they fall in love with.
Nikdo si vlastně nemůže vybrat, do koho se zamiluje.
He didn't fall.
Shannon, don't fall asleep.
Neusni, Shannon!
We began to struggle, I. pushed her, but I didn't think she would fall and die.
Začali jsme zápasit, já. strčil jsem jí, ale nechtěl jsem, aby spadla a umřela.
But I do know you Americans tend to fall for easy explanations.
Ale vím, že vy Američani rádi skočíte po těch nejjednodušších vysvětleních.
Fall back to the tower!
Zpátky ke věži!
He rushes to the rope which hangs from the point of the shell and letting himself slide down the rope he gives it an impetus which causes the shell to fall off the edge of the moon.
To uděluje střele sílu, která způsobí její pád přes okraj Měsíce. Selenita, snažící se střelu zadržet, je stažen spolu s ní. Svým zavěšením na projektilu dopomáhá jeho přepadu.
In the name of Allah, the imans and the muezzins were going to promise Mahomet's paradise to the ones who would fall in battle.
Ve jménu Alláha, imámů a ulemů Mohamed přislíbil: Kdo padne v boji, půjde do ráje.
The splash of a dark fall sounds in the silent night.
Tichou nocí zavzní temný pád.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

If foreign financing is not forthcoming, yields on US government debt will rise and the US economy will fall back into recession.
Nebudou-li k dispozici finance ze zahraničí, zisky z amerického vládního dluhu porostou a ekonomika USA se opět propadne do recese.
Forcing common standards means that Europe will fall further behind as member states shuffle their costs onto their neighbours.
Prosadí-li se jednotné normy, Evropa bude nadále zaostávat, neboť členské státy budou přesouvat své výdaje na sousedy.
Even Slobodan Milosevic had more support in Yugoslavia before his fall.
Větší podpoře se před svým pádem těšil i Slobodan Miloševič v Jugoslávii.
Their financial trust index, based on a large-scale survey of financial decision-makers in American households, did show a sharp fall in trust in late 2008 and early 2009, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Jejich index finanční důvěry založený na rozsáhlém průzkumu důvěry amerických domácností ve finanční lídry skutečně ukázal prudký pád důvěry koncem roku 2008 a počátkem roku 2009, tedy po kolapsu Lehman Brothers.
That fall in confidence affected banks, the stock market, and the government and its regulators.
Pokles důvěry se týkal bank, akciového trhu, vlády i jejích regulačních orgánů.
The fall of Milosevic does not cure the political woes of the Balkans; indeed, it raises their urgency.
Pád Slobodana Miloševiče nesnáze na Balkáně nevyřešil. Právě naopak - dodává jim na naléhavosti.
The most critical issue isn't any rise or fall in emissions. It is how much climate damage we can avoid.
Nejklíčovějším aspektem není jakýkoliv vzestup či pokles emisí, nýbrž otázka, jak velkému poškození klimatu se můžeme vyhnout.
Turkey's seeming fall from grace with the US may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
Turecko sice zdánlivě upadlo v USA v nemilost, to se ale může projevit jako skryté požehnání.
Communism's fall saw the appearance of several small states in Europe.
Pád komunismu dal Evropě několik nových států.
Since Greece's current-account deficit as a share of GDP was three times higher than Ireland's, Greek prices would have to fall by about half to achieve the same kind of success.
Protože byl deficit řeckého běžného účtu vyjádřený jako podíl HDP trojnásobně vyšší než v Irsku, musely by řecké ceny spadnout zhruba o polovinu, aby bylo dosaženo srovnatelného úspěchu.
States with balanced-budget frameworks are forced to cut spending as tax revenues fall - an automatic destabilizer that Europe seems mindlessly bent on adopting.
Státy s rámcem vyžadujícím vyrovnaný rozpočet jsou nuceny při klesajících příjmech z daní seškrtávat výdaje - což je automatický destabilizátor, který podle všeho bezhlavě hodlá zavést Evropa.
If Europe - particularly the European Central Bank - were to borrow, and re-lend the proceeds, the costs of servicing Europe's debt would fall, creating room for the kinds of expenditure that would promote growth and employment.
Kdyby Evropa - zejména Evropská centrální banka - čerpala úvěry a získané finance dále půjčovala, náklady na splácení evropského dluhu by se snížily, což by vytvořilo prostor pro takové výdaje, které by podpořily růst a zaměstnanost.
NAIROBI - With unemployment soaring, bankruptcies climbing, and stock markets in free-fall, it may at first glance seem sensible to ditch the fight against climate change and put environmental investments on hold.
NAIROBI - Ve chvíli, kdy překotně roste nezaměstnanost, přibývá bankrotů a burzy padají volným pádem, se může na první pohled zdát rozumné hodit boj proti změně klimatu za hlavu a investice do ochrany životního prostředí zabrzdit.
Thus, new fights on the debt ceiling, risks of a government shutdown, and rating downgrades could further depress consumer and business confidence, reducing spending and accelerating a flight to safety that would exacerbate the fall in stock markets.
Nové bitky o dluhový strop, rizika znehybnění vlády a snížení ratingů by mohly dále stlačit spotřebitelskou a podnikatelskou důvěru a tím snížit výdaje a urychlit úprk do bezpečí, který by zjitřil propad na akciových burzách.
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