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shine angličtina

třpyt, záře, svítit

Význam shine význam

Co v angličtině znamená shine?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


If something shines, light comes from it, or it reflects light. I love the way the stars shine. The polished metal shines brightly in the sunlight. If you shine, you do well. If you shine, other people can see the good things about you. If you shine a light, you put the light on something. Would you shine that flashlight over here. If you shine a light on a fact, you cause people to know the truth; you show people what they did not know. Would you shine that flashlight over hear. If you shine something, you make it shiny; you polish it so that it reflects light. I was just shining my shoes.


Shine is the light from a reflection, or from a source of light. I couldn't see because the shine from the water was in my eyes. Something's shine is its good qualities, or its goodness. The idea lost its shine when we realize could never work. A shine is when someone shines your shoes. Boy, won't you give me a shine. Shine is a short way to say moonshine (illegal whiskey). I got so drunk on that shine they gave me. A shine is a liking; it is when you like someone or something. He took a real shine to her.


(= reflect) be bright by reflecting or casting light Drive carefully--the wet road reflects svítit (= beam) emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light The sun shone bright that day The fire beamed on their faces (= glisten) be shiny, as if wet His eyes were glistening be distinguished or eminent His talent shines be clear and obvious A shining example (= glow) have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna throw or flash the light of (a lamp) Shine the light on that window, please (= fall, strike) touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly Light fell on her face The sun shone on the fields The light struck the golden necklace A strange sound struck my ears (= radiance) the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light (= beam, radiate) experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion She was beaming with joy Her face radiated with happiness leštit (= polish) make (a surface) shine shine the silver, please polish my shoes
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Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako shine?
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Jak se v angličtině časuje shine?

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Příklady shine příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá shine?

Jednoduché věty

The sun doesn't shine at night.
Slunce v noci nesvítí.
Tom used to shine my shoes.
Tom mi leštíval boty.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

We all took a shine to her.
Všem se nám hned zalíbila.
She's taken a real shine to you, sir.
Vážně se jí líbite, pane.
I just. brush him for the shine.
Já jen. češu ho pro větší lesk.
Rise and shine, darling.
Vstávat a cvičit, drahá.
Happiness will shine through your ass, then. What are with these caresses?
A co znamená to vaše laskání?
I mean, your eyes. your eyes, they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.
Chci říct, že vaše oči. se blýskají jak kalhoty modrého seržového obleku.
And you better get a shave and a shine.
A radši se oholte a dejte se do pucu.
Sparkle and shine!
Jiskru a lesk!
Carlos, my friend, your words fail to shine likeJapanese pearls.
Carlosi, příteli. Vaše výrazy rozhodně neladí s japonskými perlami.
Takes the shine off your nose. - Land sakes! What'll they.
Odstraní mastnotu z nosu.
Takes the shine off your nose, she says. Look!
Prý vás zbaví mastnoty na nose.
I think she kind of took a shine to me.
Myslím, že ona je ten typ, co se do mně zamiluje.
I made her shine.
Až se leskla.
I remember, it used to shine a great deal.
Pamatuji, jak nádherně zářily.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

When the sun failed to shine last winter, one emergency back-up plan powered up an Austrian oil-fired plant to fill the supply gap.
A když uplynulou zimu odmítlo svítit slunce, jeden nouzový záložní plán oživil rakouskou elektrárnu na mazut, která měla nahradit výpadek v dodávkách.
Only the bright light of democratic transparency can remove such impediments; our government is determined to help it shine through.
Pouze jasné světlo demokratické průhlednosti může tyto bariéry odstranit; naše vláda je odhodlaná si na ně posvítit.
If India's other states - and the central government - can follow this example, then the polish of India will not lose its shine.
Pokud další indické státy - a centrální vláda země - dokážou tento příklad následovat, lesk Indie nevybledne.
For starters, population size is a source of power simply because large countries can take advantage of their greater human potential to shine in a broad array of disciplines.
Za prvé platí, že počet obyvatel je zdrojem sportovní síly jednoduše proto, že lidnaté země mohou využívat větší lidský potenciál, aby zazářily v širokém spektru disciplín.
But if enough people insist upon those rights insistently enough, over time a light begins to shine.
Pokud však na těchto právech bude dostatek lidí trvat dostatečně vytrvale, uvidíme zanedlouho světlo na konci tohoto černého tunelu.
Not only does it shine, it illumines; it actually begins to melt tyrannies.
A nebude jen svítit, bude zářit a osvětlovat.
But it needs one who continues to shine brightly for several years to come.
Potřebuje ale, aby vydržela zářivě svítit několik příštích let.
In the end, whatever light there is, it may not shine until 2007, after the French elections.
Pokud tedy na konci tunelu vůbec existuje nějaké světlo, možná se rozsvítí až v roce 2007 po francouzských volbách.
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Shine čeština

Překlad shine anglicky

Jak se anglicky řekne shine?

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