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spare angličtina

ušetřit, šetřit, náhradní

Význam spare význam

Co v angličtině znamená spare?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


If you spare (somebody) something, you make it available even though you don't have much of it. Excuse, me! Can you spare a few minutes to look at this? Can you spare me twenty dollars till the weekend? Sorry, man - I can't spare anything. I need it all for gas. I'm afraid we're too busy to spare anyone to help you right now. If you have something to spare, you have something extra. She had five minutes to spare before he was due to pick her up. Sorry, no time to spare! Got to go! Bye! She could get it all inside with room to spare. If you spare somebody something not nice, they don't have to experience it. The phone rang, sparing me from having to give an answer. "But for your information --;" she lifted a silencing, hand. "Spare me the details, will you?" "I'm so upset, I think I'm going to be sick." "Oh, please! Spare me!" If somebody is spared, they live, even though they were expected to die. The accident took the life of his wife, but spared his son. Please, I beg you, spare him his life! If you spare no expense, effort, detail, etc., you do everything you can. They spared no expense for their wedding. If you spare a thought for somebody, you think of them, usually at a time that you are happy, but they are not. If you spare somebody's feelings, you try not to do or say things that will upset them. She never hid the truth to spare somebody's feelings.


A spare part, room, key, etc. is an extra one, one that is not being used. The bags were in the small backseat because the spare tire filled most of the trunk. I've got a spare bedroom. You can stay there. It took a long time to find enough spare parts to put the car back together. Your spare time is time when you are not working and you can relax or have fun. He spends most of his spare time playing guitar with his friends. Spare change is coins that are not worth much and that you can give away. I often find spare change lying on the floor. If something is spare, it is plain and has no decoration. The room was very spare, with only a window, a single chair, and a ceiling light. A spare person is tall and thin.


A spare is an extra thing, such as a key, just in case it is needed. Don't worry! I've got a spare in the back room. A spare is a tire that you keep in your car in case one of the other tires has a problem.


refrain from harming (= give up) give up what is not strictly needed he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey save or relieve from an experience or action I'll spare you from having to apologize formally (= trim) thin and fit the spare figure of a marathon runner a body kept trim by exercise zbytečný, nadbytečný (= excess, extra, redundant, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus) more than is needed, desired, or required trying to lose excess weight found some extra change lying on the dresser yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant skills made redundant by technological advance sleeping in the spare room supernumerary ornamentation it was supererogatory of her to gloat delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts surplus cheese distributed to the needy kept in reserve especially for emergency use a reserve supply of food a spare tire spare parts (= free) not taken up by scheduled activities a free hour between classes spare time on my hands use frugally or carefully a score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls (= fifth wheel) an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle náhradní díl (= spare part) an extra component of a machine or other apparatus (= plain, unembellished, unornamented) lacking embellishment or ornamentation a plain hair style unembellished white walls functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete (= bare, scanty) lacking in amplitude or quantity a bare livelihood a scanty harvest a spare diet
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Jak se v angličtině časuje spare?

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Příklady spare příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá spare?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Please spare me!
Ušetřete nás, prosím!
Takuan-sama! Please spare me!
Ale vždyť jsem na šóguna ani nenamířil.
Spare him!
Omlouvám se.
Just spare me.
Ušetři mě.
Spare me the wisecracks. Hey, it's me.
Ušetři mě těch frků.
Uh, that's just the spare bedroom.
To je jen rezervní ložnice.
These are my spare habits.
To je můj náhradní oděv.
I beg you, spare him!
Prosím tě, smiluj se nad ním!
Please, my lady, spare me the questions about my brother.
Já vás prosím, madam, ušetřete mě otázek o mém bratrovi.
Spare the people from a new tyrant and select a worthy king.
Proto ochraňte svůj lid před novým tyranem a zvolte toho, jenž toho bude hoden.
I wish to spare King Gunther death in the flames.
Přeji si ušetřit tě králi Gunthere od smrti v plamenech.
Spare my life and I will give you the wonder cap.
Ušetři můj život a dám ti zázračnou čepici.
Spare my life, O hero, and I will make you the richest king on earth!
Ušetři můj život, ó hrdino, a já z tebe udělám nejbohatšího krále na zemi!
I'd like to have dinner with you, Professor - can you spare some bread?
Rád bych povečeřel s vámi, profesore. Obejdete se bez kousku chleba?
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyPeníze | MoneyPatnáct vět o penězích, bez kterých se v angličtině neobejdete.Naučit se »

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

How many lives can we spare from heat, starvation, or malaria?
Kolik lidských životů uchráníme před horkem, hladověním nebo malárií?
So we would all spare ourselves an awful lot of trouble if McCain's brainchild were buried as quickly as possible.
Všichni bychom si tedy ušetřili dost potíží, kdyby byl McCainův duchovní výplod co možná nejdřív pohřben.
In plain English: the forecasters underestimated the extent of spare capacity and hence the scope for fiscal expansion to raise output.
Řečeno srozumitelnějším jazykem: prognostici podcenili rozsah volných kapacit, a tím i prostor pro to, aby fiskální expanze zvýšila výkonnost.
And now that France, reeling from the Paris attacks, has declared war on the Islamic State, other European countries are shrugging their shoulders, mumbling condolences, and silently hoping that the conflict will spare them.
Konečně, když teď Francie otřesená pařížskými útoky vyhlásila válku Islámskému státu, ostatní evropské země krčí rameny, mumlají kondolence a tiše doufají, že konfliktu budou ušetřeny.
But it also harbors some centers of technological excellence, such as the factories that produce important spare parts for Russian military helicopters.
Zároveň tam však existuje několik technologicky špičkových center, jako jsou továrny vyrábějící důležité náhradní díly pro ruské vojenské vrtulníky.
As with AIDS, a few dollars per person of assistance for agriculture each year could spare millions from hunger.
Podobně jako v případě AIDS i zde by několik dolarů z kapsy bohatých pomohlo každoročně zachránit životy miliony hladovějících po celém světě.
Washington can also press the Saudis, who control virtually all of the world's spare capacity, to keep their output high to contain prices.
Washington rovněž může naléhat na Saúdovce, kteří ovládají prakticky veškeré záložní kapacity světa, aby udržovali vysoký objem těžby s cílem mírnit ceny.
In our much more democratic and interconnected world, it is possible that a clear international norm limiting time in power could spare the world from dictatorship and destabilization in the future.
V nasem dnesním mnohem demokratičtějsím a propojenějsím světě vsak už je představitelné, že jasně stanovená mezinárodní norma omezující dobu setrvání u moci by nás před takovými přístími diktátory a s nimi spojenou nestabilitou mohla ochránit.
But if there were, what would it say about the FSB's performance so far, under the leadership of Mario Draghi and then of Mark Carney, each of whom did the job in his spare time, while running important central banks?
Kdyby však existovalo, co by asi řeklo na dosavadní bilanci FSB pod vedením Maria Draghiho a poté Marka Carneyho, když oba šéfové dělali tuto práci ve svém volném čase, přičemž současně řídili významné centrální banky?
You attempt a surgical strike: aim at the shooter's head and try to spare the innocents.
Pokusíte se o naprosto přesný zásah: zamíříte ostřelovači na hlavu a snažíte se ušetřit nevinné.
Above all, the government must spare no effort in convincing poor Iraqis of the value of democracy and freedom, and how important the constitution is in realizing their aspirations for a better life.
Především se však vláda musí ze všech sil snažit přesvědčit chudé Iráčany o hodnotě demokracie a svobody i o tom, jak je pro realizaci jejich touhy po lepším životě důležitá ústava.
Yet going from one extreme (keeping one's spare cash under the bed) to the other (lending out money one does not have) is to cut out the sensible middle.
Přesto platí, že přecházet od jednoho extrému (ukrývání našetřených peněz pod postelí) ke druhému (půjčování peněz, které sami nemáme) znamená vyškrtnout rozumný střed.
The gap between actual and potential GDP is thus a gauge of an economy's spare capacity.
Rozdíl mezi skutečným a potenciálním HDP je tedy měřítkem záložní kapacity ekonomiky.
Worse still, Russia's bureaucracy would likely perceive such activity as a threat, and so spare no effort to hinder Russia's businessmen from civilizing themselves.
Jestě horsí je skutečnost, že ruská byrokracie by podobné aktivity pravděpodobně vnímala jako ohrožení a nelitovala by úsilí zabránit ruským byznysmenům, aby se zcivilizovali.

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