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shock angličtina

šok, šokovat, úder

Význam shock význam

Co v angličtině znamená shock?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


A shock is the way it feels when a heavy thing suddenly hits another thing. A shock is a sudden change that surprises people. Shock is the way a person is when the person has lost some blood or has been hurt, and their heart is beating very fast and weakly. A shock is some electricity that suddenly hurts someone.


You are shocked when you are surprised at something He was shocked at how much she had changed since he had last met her. If you have been shocked, you were hit by electricity.


(= daze) the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally his mother's death left him in a daze he was numb with shock (= floor) surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off I was floored when I heard that I was promoted strike with disgust or revulsion The scandalous behavior of this married woman shocked her friends náraz, šok the violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat the armies met in the shock of battle (= electric shock) a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks an instance of agitation of the earth's crust the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch an unpleasant or disappointing surprise it came as a shock to learn that he was injured (pathology) bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; characterized by reduced cardiac output and rapid heartbeat and circulatory insufficiency and pallor loss of blood is an important cause of shock subject to electrical shocks a pile of sheaves of grain set on end in a field to dry; stalks of Indian corn set up in a field corn is bound in small sheaves and several sheaves are set up together in shocks whole fields of wheat in shock a bushy thick mass (especially hair) he had an unruly shock of black hair collide violently strike with horror or terror The news of the bombing shocked her collect or gather into shocks shock grain a mechanical damper; absorbs energy of sudden impulses the old car needed a new set of shocks traumatizovat (= traumatize) inflict a trauma upon (= jolt, jar) a sudden jarring impact the door closed with a jolt all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers
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Jak se v angličtině časuje shock?

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Příklady shock příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá shock?

Jednoduché věty

It was a great shock to me.
Byl to pro mě velký šok.
What a shock!
To je ale šok!
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Citáty z filmových titulků

I think I was in shock.
Myslím, že jsem byla v šoku.
Prepare for shock.
Připravte se na šok.
DEFIBRILLATOR: 'Shock charging. 'Charged. Ready to shock.
Nabito, připraven šok.
DEFIBRILLATOR: 'Shock charging. 'Charged. Ready to shock.
Nabito, připraven šok.
Delay shock. Justin, off the chest.
Justine, z hrudníku.
DEFIBRILLATOR: 'Ready to shock.' Shocking after three.
Jdi tam! - Šok za tři. Všichni odstupte.
I was in shock.
Byl to šok.
The shock coupled with hyperventilation from giving him CPR.
Šok spojený s hyperventilací, jak jsem mu dávala masáž.
Hell of a shock about Evan.
Hrozný šok s tím Evanem.
People are always in shock after a sudden death and there's always so much organising to do.
Lidé jsou po nečekané smrti vždycky v šoku a vždycky je třeba toho tolik zařídit.
The enormous shock of the launch will naturally wake the sleepers - and then Mr Windegger will take over the command.
Silné otřesy během startu spáče probudí a pak pan Windegger převezme řízení.
It may shock you.
Možná vás bude šokovat.
So he died of shock.
Takže zemřel šokem.
I wonder if I'm gonna get a shock or not.
Zajímalo by mě, jestli z toho budu mít šok, nebo ne.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Nor does time cushion anemic post-crisis recoveries from the inevitable next shock.
Čas rovněž nezmírní důsledky bezkrevných postkrizových zotavení z dalších nevyhnutelných šoků.
It's hard to know when the next shock will hit, or what form it will take; otherwise, it wouldn't be a shock.
Jen těžko lze předvídat, kdy další šok udeří či jakou bude mít podobu; jinak by ostatně nešlo o šok.
It's hard to know when the next shock will hit, or what form it will take; otherwise, it wouldn't be a shock.
Jen těžko lze předvídat, kdy další šok udeří či jakou bude mít podobu; jinak by ostatně nešlo o šok.
Moreover, the Japan shock is not the only negative factor at work today.
Nadto japonský šok dnes není jediným činným negativním faktorem.
After the shock of the September 2001 terrorist attacks, his son, George W. Bush, developed a far more ambitious vision.
Po prvotním šoku z teroristických útoků v září 2001 rozvinul jeho syn George W. Bush daleko ctižádostivější vizi.
Another Oil Shock?
Další ropný šok?
Consumers in the US, but also in Europe and Asia, will be hit by an oil shock.
Ropný šok zasáhne spotřebitele nejen v USA, ale i v Evropě a Asii.
Dynamism like this does not stop without a major shock.
Dynamiku, jako je tato, může zastavit snad jen nějaký velký šok.
It was a horrendous shock, imposing great social costs, but it changed Russia's mentality, not only the exchange rate.
Byl to úděsný šok, který stál nezměrné sociální náklady, ale změnil ruskou mentalitu, a ne jen směnný kurs.
Did the bombings that rocked Riyadh shock the al-Saud royal family from its complacency at long last?
Vytrhly konečně bombové útoky, které otřásly Rijádem, královskou rodinu Saúdovců z jejich spokojenosti?
But when the world's finance ministers recover from their April shock therapy, they also need to look at the opportunities.
Jakmile se ovšem světoví ministři financí oklepou ze své dubnové šokové terapie, bude třeba, aby se zamysleli i nad příležitostmi.
It somehow survived the post-Soviet shock, and has now recovered.
Přestálo nějak postsovětský šok a teď se zotavilo.
As the violence of the social mobilizations and the level of discontent have grown, Bolivia's intellectuals and politicians remain in a state of shock, afraid of contradicting the masses.
Jak narůstá násilnost sociálních mobilizací a míra nespokojenosti, setrvávají bolivijští intelektuálové i politici ve stavu šoku v obavě, aby se nedostali do rozporu s masami.
Italy is perhaps the prime candidate to lead an exit from the eurozone, though a political shock could also arise in France, spurring it to negotiate with Germany the dissolution of the monetary union.
Hlavním kandidátem na vystoupení z eurozóny je zřejmě Itálie, avšak politický šok by mohl nastat také ve Francii a ponouknout tuto zemi, aby zahájila s Německem jednání o rozpuštění měnové unie.
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