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tip angličtina

spropitné, vrchol, trik

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Co v angličtině znamená tip?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


The tip of something is the farthest point of it. She runs her finger down the bird's back and to the tip of its tail. He followed the line on the map with his finger tip. She cut herself by accident with the tip of the knife. A common fishing accident is to get a rod tip in the eye. He grew up not far from the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of South Africa. A tip is words or ideas that help you solve a problem. Police say anonymous tips have led them to more than 20 of the stolen items. Here's a quick tip. The skis should come up to your chin. A tip is a small amount of money that you give to somebody to thank them for good service. If something is the tip of the iceberg, it is just a small part of something much bigger. The problems we've seen today are just the tip of the iceberg. If something is on the tip of your tongue, you feel that you know it, but you can't say it. I wanted the words to come out; They were on the tip of my tongue, but my mind still wasn't clear.


If something tips, the top of it moves to one side more than the bottom. The piano tipped over as we were putting it on the truck. He tipped his head one way, then the other, looking at it carefully. If you tip something into something else, you pour it. He tipped the water out of the glass by accident. If you tip somebody, you give them money to thank them for good service. If you tip somebody off, you tell them about something that's going to happen. The police were tipped off by a phone call. If you tip your hat, you touch it or pick it up when you meet or leave somebody. If you tip your hat to somebody, you thank or congratulate them.


the extreme end of something; especially something pointed cause to tilt tip the screen upward (= lead) an indication of potential opportunity he got a tip on the stock market a good lead for a job spropitné (= gratuity) a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter) mark with a tip tip the arrow with the small stone remove the tip from tip artichokes (= fee) give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on Remember to tip the waiter fee the steward (= tiptoe) walk on one's toes (= tap) strike lightly He tapped me on the shoulder (= tip off) give insider information or advise to He tipped off the police about the terrorist plot (= point) a V shape the cannibal's teeth were filed to sharp points (= lean) to incline or bend from a vertical position She leaned over the banister (= topple, tumble) cause to topple or tumble by pushing vršek, vrchol, vrcholek (= peak, top, summit) the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill) the view from the peak was magnificent they clambered to the tip of Monadnock the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
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Jak se v angličtině používá tip?

Jednoduché věty

Did you leave a tip?
Nechals dýško?
Did you leave a tip?
Nechal jsi spropitné?
Tom left a large tip on the table.
Tom nechal na stole vysoké spropitné.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyNeboj se! | Don't be afraid!Patnáct anglických vět na téma strach a obavy.Naučit se »

Citáty z filmových titulků

When he and his fellow sailors rounded the Cape of Good Hope, the southernmost tip of Africa, they weren't wondering, as the Chinese had, if they could find some exotic animals to take home to their king.
Když on a jeho námořníci obepluli Mys Dobré naděje, nejjižnější cíp Afriky, nezajímali se jako Číňané, jestli by mohli najít nějaké exotické zvířata, která by přivezli domů svému králi.
It's on the tip of my tongue.
Mám to na špičce jazyku.
Such a good tip.
Vážně dobrý návrh.
Aw, it's a shoelace tip.
Je to jen konec tkaničky.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
A to je jen špička ledovce.
Yeah, we killed him with a felt-tip pen.
Jo, zabili jsme ho fixem.
We felt-tip penned him to death.
Ufixovali jsme ho k smrti.
And I pretend to tip the baristas so that they'll like me.
A předstíral jsem, že dávám dýšku baristům, aby mě měli rádi.
Don't forget to leave a tip.
Nezapomeňte na spropitné.
Let me give you a tip.
Jaký je tvůj tip, co.
Joe Massara got the tip, and he called up.
Joe Massara dostal echo a zavolal.
Now listen, we've got a tip.
Heleďte, dostali jsme tip.
A tip? Get out!
Let me give you a tip.
Dám ti radu.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

The perceived lack of leadership from the Commission at this time of deepening economic gloom is just the tip of the iceberg.
Zaznamenaný nedostatek vůdčích schopností Komise za nynějších prohlubujících se hospodářských chmur je jen špička ledovce.
Fiscal policy is, of course, only the tip of the iceberg.
Fiskální politika je pochopitelně pouze špičkou ledovce.
Equilibrium requires that outsiders not tip the balance of a ship of state already enduring a rough ride.
Bude-li cizí boční vítr příliš foukat do plachet lodi jménem Venezuela, která už tak pluje v bouřlivých vodách, nebude země nikdy v rovnováze.
And any additional shock could tip this unstable global economy back into full-fledged recession.
A jakýkoliv další dodatečný šok by mohl uvrhnout tuto nestabilní globální ekonomiku zpět do plné recese.
The problem is that most economies are now barely bottoming out, so reversing the fiscal and monetary stimulus too soon - before private demand has recovered more robustly - could tip these economies back into deflation and recession.
Problémem je, že většina ekonomik se dnes teprve odráží ode dna, takže příliš brzké zrušení fiskálního a monetárního stimulu - dříve než se robustněji zotaví soukromá poptávka - by mohlo tyto ekonomiky uvrhnout zpět do deflace a recese.
Indeed, official censorship is only the tip of an iceberg of cultural censorship.
Ostatně oficiální cenzura je jen špičkou ledovce kulturní cenzury.
But I would submit that Hollywood's misgivings, however untutored, represent only the tip of a growing iceberg of resentment against the perceived injustices of globalization.
Já bych to však podal spíše tak, že zlé předtuchy Hollywoodu, ať jakkoli amatérské, představují pouze špičku rostoucího ledovce zášti namířené proti domnělým nespravedlnostem globalizace.
Could such changes in psychology be big enough to tip us into a world recession?
Mohly by takové změny v psychologii být tak velké, že by nás uvrhly do světové recese?
They worry that politicians and journalists who oppose their strategies for closer political and economic union could yet tip the balance of public opinion against the EU.
Obávají se, že by politici a novináři oponující jejich strategiím užší politické a ekonomické unie ještě mohli obrátit veřejné mínění proti EU.
But the bond purchases are just the tip of the iceberg.
Nákupy dluhopisů jsou však jen špičkou ledovce.
Some central bankers now worry that ending these measures prematurely will tip the economy back into recession.
Někteří centrální bankéři se nyní obávají, že předčasné ukončení těchto opatření uvrhne ekonomiku zpátky do recese.
NEW YORK - Greece's fiscal problems are, as I have argued many times, but the tip of a global iceberg.
NEW YORK - Řecké fiskální problémy jsou, jak už jsem prohlásil mnohokrát, pouhou špičkou ledovce.
No one points out the huge opportunity cost of what could have been and what could still be - albeit barely - if the US took decisive action to save tens of thousands of Syrian lives and possibly tip the balance of the conflict.
Nikdo nepoukazuje na obrovské náklady příležitostí toho, co mohlo být - dříve a ještě i nyní, i když už jen okrajově -, kdyby USA podnikly rozhodnou akci na záchranu desetitisíců syrských životů a možná i vychýlily rovnováhu konfliktu.
Its post-2008 recovery has slowed, and some observers fear that Europe's financial problems could tip the American and world economy into a second recession.
Zotavení po roce 2008 se zpomalilo a někteří pozorovatelé se obávají, že finanční problémy Evropy by mohly uvrhnout americkou a světovou ekonomiku do druhé recese.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

Dostal jsem tip od informátora na stopu, na kterou jsem čekal.
I got a wire from an informant with a lead I've been waiting for.
Jaký je tvůj tip, co.
Let me give you a tip.
Heleďte, dostali jsme tip.
Now listen, we've got a tip.
Dostal jste skvělý tip na tyhle kluky, pane Vojda.
You got a great bet in these boys, Mr. Voyda.
Chcete tip na 5. dostih?
You want something hot in the fifth race?
Mám tip na Sun-Upa.
I got a tip on Sun-Up.
Mám tutovej tip za dolar.
I got something today can't lose. One dollar.
Dám ti skvěIý tip.
I'm gonna give you a hot tip.
Dal jste tip federálům, a oni mi vzali zboží.
You tipped off the feds I was running in a load last night, and they took it from me.
To byl dobrý tip o objetí Mormon Station.
That was a good tip about circling Mormon Station.
Ale mohl byste dát prvotřídní tip.
But you could make an excellent guess.
Díky za tip.
Glad to be of help.
Nebo jim dal tip někdo z jeho blízkosti.
Or an outfit tipped off by somebody close to him.
Dostali jsme tip po telefonu.
We were tipped off on the telephone.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyNerozumím! | I don't understand!Těchto patnáct vět vám v angličtině pomůže vybruslit ze situace, když jste něčemu nerozuměli.Naučit se »