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back angličtina

záda, hřbet, zadní

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Co v angličtině znamená back?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


Toward the rear. He went back behind the stands. To a place again. I didn't like it, so I sent it back. He went back to the same house. They came back again.


The back is the rear part of something; it is the part in the other direction from the front. I went to the back of the house. The back is the rear part of the human body. He had a scar on his back.


If you back something, you support it. The Republicans backed the bill. If you back up, you move backward. He put the car in gear and backed right into the garage door.


in or to or toward a former location she went back to her parents' house záda the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine his back was nicely tanned (= backward, rearward, rearwards) at or to or toward the back or rear he moved back tripped when he stepped backward she looked rearward out the window of the car in or to or toward an original condition he went back to sleep (= backward) in or to or toward a past time set the clocks back an hour never look back lovers of the past looking fondly backward related to or located at the back the back yard the back entrance in reply he wrote back three days later rub the side that goes last or is not normally seen he wrote the date on the back of the photograph (= plump for) be behind; approve of He plumped for the Labor Party I backed Kennedy in 1960 travel backward back into the driveway The car backed up and hit the tree cause to travel backward back the car into the parking spot (= rear) the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer he stood at the back of the stage it was hidden in the rear of the store (= second, endorse, indorse) give support or one's approval to I'll second that motion I can't back this plan endorse a new project support financial backing for back this enterprise in repayment or retaliation we paid back everything we had borrowed he hit me and I hit him back I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher (= hind, hinder) located at or near the back of an animal back (or hind) legs the hinder part of a carcass be in back of My garage backs their yard of an earlier date back issues of the magazine shift to a counterclockwise direction the wind backed (football) a person who plays in the backfield strengthen by providing with a back or backing (= back up) establish as valid or genuine Can you back up your claims? a support that you can lean against while sitting the back of the dental chair was adjustable the part of a garment that covers the back of your body they pinned a 'kick me' sign on his back obránce, bek (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage (= bet on) place a bet on Which horse are you backing? I'm betting on the new horse (= binding, cover) the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book the book had a leather binding páteř the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord the fall broke his back
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Jak se v angličtině používá back?

Jednoduché věty

I will be back soon.
Vrátím se brzy.
I will be back soon.
Hned jsem zpátky.
You must be back on Sunday at the latest.
Musíš se vrátit nejpozději v neděli.
You must come back before nine o'clock.
Musíš se vrátit do devíti hodin.
Turn on your back.
Otoč se na záda!
I don't wanna go back.
Vracet se nechci.
Wait here till I come back.
Počkej tady, než se vrátím.
Wait here till I come back.
Počkej tady, dokud se nevrátím.
He asked me to wait there until he came back.
Požádal mne, abych tam počkal, než se vrátí.
I will give you back the CD in a week.
Dám ti to CD zpět do týdne.
There used to be a big cherry tree at the back of my house.
Za mým domem bývala veliká třešeň.
Jane was waiting with her back against the tree.
Jane čekala opřená o strom.
I do not know when she will come back.
Nevím, v kolik bude zpátky.
Give me a telephone call when you get back.
Zavolej mi, až se vrátíš.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyVlak | The trainS těmito anglickými větami se určitě neztratíte na nádraží kdekoliv na světě.Naučit se »

Citáty z filmových titulků

Or back leg?
Vepřový bok?
If I could put you back into my stomache!
Přála bych si poslat vás tam, odkud jste přišli.
I'll drive Minjoo home and come back.
Jenom co zavezu Min-joo, pojedu rovnou domů.
I'll make a lot of money, and go back to Korea.
Vydělám spoustu peněz a vrátím se do Koreje.
Go back and do your dance.
Vrať se ke svýmu tanci.
I am not giving them back..
Nedám ti je..
Turn around and back away three steps.
Otoč se a ustup o tři kroky.
I'll be back, my love.
Vrátím se, lásko.
Everyone back off.
Vraťte se.
I can't go back.
Už nemůžu ustoupit.
The lower classes should just obey their betters without any back talk!
Ti dole by měli prostě poslouchat ty nahoře!
Back off.
Come back at once!
Vrať se, sakra!
It's almost as if the clock is being wound back 600 years, to the last time China led the world.
Je to téměř, jako by se hodiny vrátili zpět o 600 let, kdy naposledy Čína vedla svět.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

If foreign financing is not forthcoming, yields on US government debt will rise and the US economy will fall back into recession.
Nebudou-li k dispozici finance ze zahraničí, zisky z amerického vládního dluhu porostou a ekonomika USA se opět propadne do recese.
He never found his way back, and when confronted with the New Politics of primaries and populism, he became dispirited when he could not cope with this new style.
Nikdy už nenašel cestu zpátky a tváří v tvář Nové politice primárek a populismu byl sklíčený, když se s novým stylem nedokázal vypořádat.
HONG KONG - A recent trip to Berlin brought back memories of an earlier visit in the summer of 1967, when I was a poor student who marveled at the Wall that would divide and devastate an entire society for another two decades.
HONGKONG - Nedávná cesta do Berlína ve mně vyvolala vzpomínky na dřívější návštěvu v létě 1967, kdy jsem jako chudý student žasl nad Zdí, která měla ještě další dvě desítky let rozdělovat a pustošit celou společnost.
But revelations about the nuclear weapons smuggling network organized by A. Q. Khan, the father of Pakistan's bomb, confirm the danger I predicted back then.
Odhalení o síti pašeráků jaderných zbraní, kterou organizoval otec pákistánské jaderné bomby A. K.
The aim must be not only to win back the hearts of Europeans who have become skeptical, but also to convince them that the Union is indispensable to meeting the challenges Europeans face.
Cílem musí být nejen vydobýt si znovu srdce Evropanů přemožených skepsí, ale také přesvědčit je, že pro zvládnutí výzev, jimž Evropané čelí, je Unie nepostradatelná.
But if your instincts betray you, you go back to even deeper ones.
Pokud vás však zradí instinkty, uchýlíte se k instinktům ještě hlubším.
In addition, the EU should create a small but effective military force (say, 5,000 troops) to back up the common body's decisions.
Navíc by EU měla vybudovat malou, ale účinnou vojenskou sílu (řekněme 5000 mužů), která by byla pro rozhodnutí společného orgánu oporou.
Luckily, there has never been a better time for the West--particularly the EU--to nudge Ukraine back from the brink.
Naštěstí právě nadchází nejvhodnější okamžik, kdy Západ - a zejména EU - může postrčit Ukrajinu dál od propasti.
But Obama also knows that if the existing nuclear states want others to accept tougher restrictions, they will have to cut back their nuclear arsenals.
Obama však také ví, že chtějí-li stávající jaderné státy, aby jiné země akceptovaly tvrdší restrikce, budou muset samy omezit své jaderné arzenály.
But we can take it a step further back: people's income is lower and their jobs are insecure because they were not spending a short time ago - and so on, backwards in time, in a repeating feedback loop.
Můžeme ale udělat ještě jeden krok vzad: příjmy lidí jsou nižší a pracovní místa ohroženější proto, že neutráceli před nedávnem - a tak dále, zpět v čase, v opakujícím se koloběhu zpětných vazeb.
Last winter, America's central bank - the Federal Reserve - was busy patting itself on the back.
Loni v zimě se americká centrální banka, Federální rezervní úřad, pilně plácala po zádech.
The time is right for a new global settlement that targets growth, addresses crisis conditions in certain parts of the world, and rebalances the global economy to set it back on a path of strong and steady growth.
Nastala vhodná doba na novou globální dohodu, jež se zaměří na růst, bude řešit krizové podmínky v některých koutech světa a nastolí v globální ekonomice novou rovnováhu, která ji vrátí na cestu silného a setrvalého růstu.
WASHINGTON, DC - Dropping bombs as a solution to the world's trouble spots may be falling out of fashion (with the notable exception of Libya), but finger wagging is definitely back in.
WASHINGTON - Shazování bomb jako řešení pro problémová místa světa možná vychází z módy (s výraznou výjimkou Libye), avšak varovné zvedání prstu je rozhodně opět v kurzu.
Afghanistan is in danger of falling back into the hands of terrorists, insurgents, and criminals, and the multi-billion-dollar opium trade is at the heart of the country's malaise.
Afghánistánu hrozí nebezpečí, že sklouzne zpět do rukou teroristů, povstalců a zločinců, a jádrem těchto potíží země je opiový obchod v řádech miliard dolarů.
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back čeština

Příklady back anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit back do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Back přes za těmi stromy.
Back over behind those trees.
Back místnost byla stejně jako to, co byste očekávali od zadní části obchodu.
Back room was just like what you'd expect of the back of a store.
Hold everything, Ben, till I get back.
Hold everything, Ben, till I get back.
Oh, Amos, come back to me, would you, please?
Oh, Amos, come back to me, would you, please?
Give me back my hat, you big boob.
Give me back my hat, you big boob.
Come back here!
Come back here!
Call you, and raise you ten back.
Call you, and raise you ten back.
Paní Lack, paní Lack, mack, back, zack!
Frau Lack, Frau Lack, mack, back, zack!
Pamatuješ si, jaký umím kick-back, že jo?
Remember my kickback, clear?
Navrhnout back-up a dohled vrtulník.
Suggest back-up and helicopter surveillance.
Něco potopilo Back-O, zabilo všem psy.
Something caused the accident Buck-O and killed those dogs.
I want my Sparky back.
I want my Sparky back.
Get back here!
Get back here!
The Griswalds are back!
The Griswalds are back!

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