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cover angličtina

zakrýt, víko, obal

Význam cover význam

Co v angličtině znamená cover?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


Something that is covering another thing is on top of (or over) the other thing in a way that stops people from seeing it. I cover myself in two blankets at night to stay warm. Remember to cover the pot with a lid while you're cooking something.


A cover is something that usually covers something else. The cover of the book has a picture on it under the name of the book.


provide with a covering or cause to be covered cover her face with a handkerchief cover the child with a blanket cover the grave with flowers form a cover over The grass covered the grave (= continue, extend) span an interval of distance, space or time The war extended over five years The period covered the turn of the century My land extends over the hills on the horizon This farm covers some 200 acres The Archipelago continues for another 500 miles provide for The grant doesn't cover my salary zacházet (= treat, deal) act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression This book deals with incest The course covered all of Western Civilization The new book treats the history of China zahrnovat (= encompass) include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds this should cover everyone in the group (= screen, covert, concealment) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something a screen of trees afforded privacy under cover of darkness the brush provided a covert for game the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background deka bedding that keeps a person warm in bed he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep (= covering) the act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it the cover concealed their guns from enemy aircraft (= pass over) travel across or pass over The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day (= report) be responsible for reporting the details of, as in journalism Snow reported on China in the 1950's The cub reporter covered New York City hold within range of an aimed firearm (= binding, back) the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book the book had a leather binding (= covering fire) fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on your own individuals or formations artillery provided covering fire for the withdrawal protect or defend (a position in a game) he covered left field maintain a check on; especially by patrolling The second officer covered the top floor protect by insurance The insurance won't cover this to take an action to protect against future problems Count the cash in the drawer twice just to cover yourself hide from view or knowledge The President covered the fact that he bugged the offices in the White House víko (= top) covering for a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container) he removed the top of the carton he couldn't get the top off of the bottle put the cover back on the kettle (= covering) a natural object that covers or envelops under a covering of dust the fox was flushed from its cover clothe, as if for protection from the elements cover your head! a false identity and background (especially one created for an undercover agent) her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment coververze a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else they made a cover of a Beatles' song krýt spread over a surface to conceal or protect This paint covers well help out by taking someone's place and temporarily assuming his responsibilities She is covering for our secretary who is ill this week be sufficient to meet, defray, or offset the charge or cost of Is this enough to cover the check? invest with a large or excessive amount of something She covered herself with glory play a higher card than the one previously played Smith covered again be responsible for guarding an opponent in a game (= compensate) make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities he is compensating for being a bad father put something on top of something else cover the meat with a lot of gravy copulate with a female, used especially of horses The horse covers the mare (= cover charge) a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink vysedět (= brood) sit on (eggs) Birds brood The female covers the eggs (= shroud) cover as if with a shroud The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery
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Jak se v angličtině používá cover?

Jednoduché věty

Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.
Zakryj si ústa, když kašleš, kýcháš nebo zíváš.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Nesuďte knihu podle jejího obalu.
There's no cover charge.
Není tu žádný příplatek za obsluhu.
He told a new lie to cover up an old one.
Řekl novou lež, aby zamaskoval tu starou.
Who removed the cover?
Kdo odstranil ten kryt?
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyOkna a dveře | Doors and windowsTyhle anglické věty vám otevřou všechny dveře, a to doslova.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Citáty z filmových titulků

All I have to do now is count the number of blades of grass in that little two-inch square and then multiply by the number of squares that would cover this whole field.
Všechno co musím udělat, je spočítat počet stébel trávy v tomto malém čtverci a pak násobit počtem čtverců, který by pokryl celou tuto oblast.
Did you cover it up cleanly?
Zakryli jste to pořádně?
Yeah, those would definitely cover most of my nipples.
Jo, ty by rozhodně zakryly většinu mých bradavek.
And as cover-ups go, any one of them could've done it.
Jako krytí to mohl napsat kdokoli z nich.
Yeah, Mike. Unofficially speaking, the fox has broken cover.
Neoficiálně řečeno, liška vylezla z nory.
And, we still have to cover off Victoria Speigleman and Neil Bloom.
A ještě musíme pokrýt Victorii Speiglemanovou a Neila Blooma.
I always wondered how he managed to cover the whole globe in one night.
Vždycky mě udivovalo, jak za jednu noc zvládne celou zeměkouli.
It was a harrowing scene as families took cover from several hundred rounds of ammunition Sunday evening.
Hrůzná situace se odehrávala v neděli večer, kdy do rodin bylo vystříleno několik stovek nábojů.
Did you procure a second pair to cover your tracks?
Pořídila jste si druhé, abyste za sebou zametla stopy?
Can you please get somebody to cover for you so you can help me break my kids?
Může za tebe někdo zaskočit, že bys mi pomohla je vyslechnout?
Why did you cover for Henry Gowen?
Proč jste kryla Henryho Gowena?
You were comfortable asking me to cover it up.
Požádat mě, abych vás kryl, vám taky nevadilo.
Cover him up.
Přikryj ho.
Once I've found him, be ready to give me and the Senator some cover fire.
Až ho najdu, buďte připraveni mě a senátora krýt.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Without them, fast-growing seaweed quickly monopolizes space on the reef, preventing restoration of healthy quantities of coral cover.
Bez nich si rychle rostoucí řasy v krátké době uzurpují větsinu prostoru na útesech a znemožňují tím obnovu životaschopného množství korálového porostu.
Because corals provide the habitat structure on which other reef organisms depend, the decreases in coral cover lead to big decreases in a reef's biodiversity.
Vzhledem k tomu, že korály poskytují strukturu přirozeného prostředí, na níž závisí dalsí útesové organismy, úbytek korálového porostu vede ke značným ztrátám biodiverzity útesů.
In 2005, the UN Millennium Project recommended specific ways to scale up primary health care in the poorest countries, with the high-income countries helping to cover the costs that the poorest could not pay by themselves.
Miléniový projekt OSN doporučil v roce 2005 konkrétní způsoby, jak rozšířit primární zdravotní péči v nejchudších zemích, kdy státy s vysokými příjmy pomáhaly hradit náklady, které nejchudší země nedokázaly platit samy.
But what the Arab countries couldn't do with military support, they were able to do by providing political cover for the military intervention led by the US, Britain, and France.
Čeho však arabské země nemohly dosáhnout vojenskou podporou, toho docílily zajištěním politického souhlasu s vojenskou intervencí pod vedením USA, Británie a Francie.
Some mortgages even had negative amortization: payments did not cover the interest due, so every month the debt grew more.
Některé hypotéky měly dokonce záporné umořování: hypoteční splátky nepokrývaly ani úrokovou sazbu, a tak dluh každý měsíc narůstal.
Why didn't the American press corps cover the Bush administration properly for its first five years?
Proč americká novinářská obec nereferovala o Bushově administrativě řádně během jejích prvních pěti let v úřadu?
To cover the costs of aging and maintain its position as an economic power, Europe must increase overall labor participation considerably.
Chce-li Evropa pokrýt náklady na stárnutí populace a udržet si pozici hospodářské mocnosti, musí podstatně zvýšit celkové zapojení obyvatel do trhu práce.
Above all, regulators would force financiers to hold more cash on hand to cover their own bets, and not rely so much on taxpayers as a backstop.
Tak především by regulační orgány nutily finančníky, aby drželi větší hotovost na krytí vlastních transakcí a nespoléhali tolik na daňové poplatníky jako na záchrannou brzdu.
The markets for these products are still small, but they have strong growth potential, and their further development would enhance insurance companies' ability to cover risks of major international disasters.
Trhy pro tyto produkty jsou sice stále malé, ale mají silný růstový potenciál, a jejich další rozvoj by posílil schopnost pojišťovacích společností pokrýt rizika velkých mezinárodních katastrof.
Therefore, all countries, both developed and developing, need to do their part, with rich countries helping poor countries cover the financial costs of adjustment.
Svou úlohu tedy musí sehrát všechny země, jak vyspělé, tak rozvojové, přičemž je potřeba, aby bohaté země pomohly chudým uhradit finanční náklady přeměny.
The social-security system is to be extended to cover all workers and farmers.
Sociální systém se má rozšířit tak, aby zahrnoval všechny dělníky a rolníky.
Yet the UN Environment Programme's first adaptation report, released in Lima, showed that the world remains wholly unprepared to cover the costs of adaptation.
První zpráva o adaptaci, vypracovaná Ekologickým programem OSN a zveřejněná v Limě, přesto ukázala, že svět zůstává zcela nepřipravený hradit náklady na adaptaci.
Under the cover of silence, gays refrain from provoking the conflicts that a more vocal advocacy of homosexuality would bring.
Skryti za clonou mlčení se homosexuálové vyhýbají vyvolávání střetů, jež by hlasitější obhajoba homosexuality přinesla.
A clean sweep, however, will ultimately be good for stocks and certainly much better than cover-up and lingering doubts about what the books really look like.
Čistá hra vsak bude pro akcie v konečném důsledku jedině prospěsná a rozhodně prospěsnějsí než tutlání a dohady o skutečném stavu účetních knih.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyMáme naspěch | In a hurryTyhle věty vám přijdou v angličtině vhod, až budete pospíchat.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

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