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beat angličtina


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Co v angličtině znamená beat?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


If you beat someone or something, you hit it, usually many times. It made a loud noise when he beat the drum. I had to leave and divorce my husband, because he kept beating and choking me. If you beat a person or a team, you win and they lose. The best team usually beats the worst one.


Beat is the rhythm of music. A heartbeat.


come out better in a competition, race, or conflict Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship We beat the competition Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game zmlátit give a beating to; subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression Thugs beat him up when he walked down the street late at night The teacher used to beat the students hit repeatedly beat on the door beat the table with his shoe move rhythmically Her heart was beating fast shape by beating beat swords into ploughshares (= drum) make a rhythmic sound Rain drummed against the windshield The drums beat all night glare or strike with great intensity The sun was beating down on us (= flap) move with a thrashing motion The bird flapped its wings The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky sail with much tacking or with difficulty The boat beat in the strong wind strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music beat one's breast beat one's foot rhythmically stir vigorously beat the egg whites beat the cream a regular route for a sentry or policeman in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name rytmus, takt (= rhythm) the basic rhythmic unit in a piece of music the piece has a fast rhythm the conductor set the beat tep, puls the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart he could feel the beat of her heart the sound of stroke or blow he heard the beat of a drum a regular rate of repetition the cox raised the beat a stroke or blow the signal was two beats on the steam pipe the act of beating to windward; sailing as close as possible to the direction from which the wind is blowing a single pulsation of an oscillation produced by adding two waves of different frequencies; has a frequency equal to the difference between the two oscillations strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks Beat the rhythm produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly beat the drum make by pounding or trampling beat a path through the forest (= flap) move with a flapping motion The bird's wings were flapping be superior Reading beats watching television This sure beats work! avoid paying beat the subway fare (= all in, bushed, dead) very tired was all in at the end of the day so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere bushed after all that exercise I'm dead after that long trip (= pulsate) move with or as if with a regular alternating motion the city pulsated with music and excitement a member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior (= exhaust, wash up) wear out completely This kind of work exhausts me I'm beat He was all washed up after the exam (= meter) (prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse tikat (= tick) make a sound like a clock or a timer the clocks were ticking the grandfather clock beat midnight přechytračit (= outfox) beat through cleverness and wit I beat the traffic She outfoxed her competitors (= vex, stick, get, bewilder) be a mystery or bewildering to This beats me! Got me--I don't know the answer! a vexing problem This question really stuck me
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Jak se v angličtině používá beat?

Jednoduché věty

I realized that I couldn't beat him in math.
Uvědomil jsem si, že ho nedokážu porazit v matematice.
She beat him to death with a golf club.
Umlátila ho golfovou holí.
She beat him to death with a golf club.
Ubila ho k smrti golfovou holí.
He who has a mind to beat a dog will easily find a stick.
Kdo chce psa bít, hůl si vždycky najde.
You can't beat me.
Mě nepřemůžeš.
She beat me at chess.
Porazila mě v šachách.
I told him not to beat the dog.
Řekl jsem mu, ať toho psa nebije.
I can beat them all.
Dokážu je porazit všechny.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

Understanding how the West beat the rest gives us an insight not just into the past but also into the future, and I think you'II agree, it helps answer the question that could be the most important of our time.
Pochopení toho, jak Západ porazil zbytek nám dává nahlédnout nejen do minulosti, ale také do budoucnosti, a myslím, že budete souhlasit, že nám to pomůže odpovědět na otázku, která by mohla být nejdůležitější v naší době.
And it came to pass that, in the same year, they had a number of battles in which the Nephites did beat the Lamanites and did slay many of them.
Stalo se, že v jednom roce, bylo spousta bitev, kde Lamanithe porazily Nephit, a zemřelo mnoho.
We can beat all the bad guys with just our pinky fingers.
Všechny padouchy můžeme porazit jenom našimi malíčky.
So have I made my point, Or do I have to beat them again with just one pinky?
Tak měl jsem pravdu, nebo je musím ještě jednou porazit jenom s jedním malíčkem?
You know, it must be hard, knowing all the facts, to still believe you can actually beat this.
Musí to být těžké. I přes znalost faktů pořád věřit, že to porazíte.
He found out about their affair, beat the living crap out of Abelard.
Zjistil o vztahu a vymlátil z něj duši.
But if you want me to talk, you got to beat me.
Ale když chceš, abych mluvil, musíš mě porazit.
Dad can only tease the beat drop for so long.
Táta moc dlouho rytmus neudrží.
Drop the beat.
Spusťe to.
No doubt one of my competitors beat me to it.
Bezpochyby mě nějaký konkurent předběhl.
They knew they couldn't beat me.
Vědí, že mě neporazí.
More interestingly, he bet on the field to beat Sophie Palmer.
Sophie Palmer.
Beat it, sorcerer!
Jdi mi z cesty!
You can beat that, but you can't tie it.
Můžete to šlohnout, ale ne uvázat.

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

Democrats have even managed to beat the Republicans on their own turf.
Demokratům se dokonce zdařilo porazit republikány na jejich vlastním hřišti.
Many people look at Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon, among others, as companies that no competitor could ever beat.
Mnozí pohlížejí na Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon a další jako na firmy, které žádný konkurent nikdy nedokáže porazit.
The 1990's saw an unprecedented rise in the number of quarters in which earnings beat analysts' estimates by a penny a share, suggesting that more irregularities could be discovered.
V 90. letech došlo k nebývalému nárůstu počtu kvartálů, v nichž zisky o cent na akcii předčily odhady analytiků, takže se na povrch může dostat víc případů nekalého jednání.
But the fact that earnings beat estimates by a penny a share every quarter is itself only a sign of quarter-to-quarter manipulations of earnings, not of their wholesale fabrication.
Skutečnost, že zisky v každém kvartále překonávaly odhady o cent na akcii, je sama o sobě jen náznakem čtvrtletně opakovaných manipulací zisků, nikoliv ale jejich naprosté smyšlenosti.
And if Indians can be better than white and black sportsmen on the cricket field, why can't they beat them in an Olympic stadium?
A pokud mohou být Indové lepší než bílí i černí sportovci na kriketovém hřišti, proč je nemohou porážet na olympijském stadionu?
They must still train, of course, but if their genes produce more EPO than ours, they are going to beat us in the Tour de France, no matter how hard we train.
Samozřejmě musí i oni trénovat, ale pokud jejich geny vytvářejí více EPO než naše, pak nás v Tour de France porazí bez ohledu na tvrdost našeho tréninku.
It is easy to conclude that there is just no point in even trying to beat the market.
Z toho lze snadno vyvodit závěr, že snaha porazit trh jednoduše nemá smysl.
In these senses, Swensen is completely different from day traders, who are both investing for the short term and trying to beat the most crowded market - the market for exchange-listed securities.
V tomto smyslu se Swensen diametrálně liší od burzovních spekulantů, kteří jednak investují krátkodobě, a jednak se snaží porazit nejpřeplněnější trh - trh obchodovaných cenných papírů.
Knowing David Swensen, I can attest that he is not a lonely day trader trying to beat the market.
Protože Davida Swensena znám, mohu dosvědčit, že to není osamělý obchodník snažící se porazit trh.
True, the slump is partly an illusion: the earlier boom was fueled by Japanese households' effort to beat the tax by front-loading purchases of consumer durables - a nuance that seems to have been lost in the public debate.
Faktem je, že pokles je částečně zdánlivý: předchozí boom totiž podpořila snaha japonských domácností předzásobit se spotřebním zbožím, a tím předejít platbám vyšší daně - tato nuance jako by se z veřejné debaty vytratila.
The Global Fund has saved millions of lives and helped countries around the world beat back three epidemic diseases.
Globální fond zachránil miliony životů a pomohl zemím po celém světě bránit se třem epidemickým nemocem.
In each industry and region, companies will race to internalize China's new methods in order to beat their local and immediate competitors--just as US management methods have been internalized by companies around the world, including within China.
Každé průmyslové odvětví a každý region se bude snažit přejímat nové čínské metody a předstihnout své lokální a bezprostřední konkurenty, podobně jako firmy na celém světě - včetně Číny - přejaly americké metody managementu.
African hearts beat to a tribal rhythm.
Africká srdce bijí kmenovým rytmem.
He's preoccupied with his own enlarged heart, which, though weary, continues to beat.
Plně jej zaměstnává jeho vlastní zvětšené srdce, jež ač znavené, stále ještě bije.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

Už měli vyprodáno Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar.
Well, they were all out of Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar.
Beat kdo?
Beat who?
Dnes večer v 7:00 hod. bude, George Leroy diskutovat o tom, co znamená smrt. uprostřed zoufalství, prezentované v pracích Beat Generation, jako jsou Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac a Allen Ginsberg.
Tonight at 7:00 PM, George Leroy will discuss what this death represents amid the despair present in the works of The Beat Generation, such as Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
The Beat master.
The Beat master.
Má velkej beat.
He's got a great band.
Beat It, Michael Jackson.
Beat It, Michael Jackson.
Chci beat a energii.
I want beat and energy.
Snad jsi nechtěl, pro boha živýho v nedělní škole poslouchat big beat?!
Were you going to listen to rock music in Sunday school?
Nerozumím co říká. ale má k tomu beat, to se musí nechat.
Can't understand what he's saying. but it does have a beat to it.
Hip hop beat.
Hip-hop beat.
A během éry Mersey Beat.
And during the Mersey Beat era.
Weapons Helmets magazín. samozřejmě i Girl Beat.
Weapons and Helmets magazine. of course Girl Beat.
V roce 191 3, Bulharů napadl, v roce 191 3, Srbové beat je zpátky.
In 1 9 1 3, the Bulgars attacked, in 1 9 1 3, the Serbs beat them back.
V roce 1991 Chorvati napadl jeden den brzy Srby beat je zpátky!
In 1 99 1 the Croats attacked, one day soon the Serbs will beat them back!
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyV baru | In the barPatnáct vět v angličtině, se kterými můžete zajít na skleničku.Naučit se »

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