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drive angličtina

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Význam drive význam

Co v angličtině znamená drive?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


If you drive a car or other vehicle, you control its movements. I've been learning how to drive a bus. If you drive somewhere, you go there by car. The bus is too slow. Let's drive to school instead. Mom, can you drive me to Cindy's house? If you drive someone or something, you make them move. The dogs drove the cows into the field. If you drive someone to mathX/math, you make them do or feel mathX/math. The death of her son drove her to drink.


A drive is a trip by car. Let's go for a drive down to the lake. Drive is the feeling that you want or need to do something. She has a strong drive to succeed. If you're tired, it often affects your sex drive. A (disk) drive is part of a computer that reads and writes information to a disk. A drive is the short road outside a house to put a car on. A drive is a short strong effort to do something. Drive is the power that makes a vehicle move. In sports, a drive a ball that has been hit hard. A drive is when people direct a group of animals to move in a particular direction. A drive is kind of road.


řídit operate or control a vehicle drive a car or bus Can you drive this four-wheel truck? (= motor) travel or be transported in a vehicle We drove to the university every morning They motored to London for the theater cause someone or something to move by driving She drove me to school every day We drove the car to the garage (= force, ram) force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically She rammed her mind into focus He drives me mad to compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on, or motivate strongly She is driven by her passion the act of applying force to propel something after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off a mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine a variable speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds (= repel, push back, beat back) cause to move back by force or influence repel the enemy push back the urge to smoke beat back the invaders compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment She finally drove him to change jobs (= campaign, cause, movement, effort) a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end he supported populist campaigns they worked in the cause of world peace the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant the movement to end slavery contributed to the war effort příjezdový, cesta (= driveway) a road leading up to a private house they parked in the driveway push, propel, or press with force Drive a nail into the wall cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force drive the ball far out into the field move into a desired direction of discourse What are you driving at? (= driving) hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver he sliced his drive out of bounds the act of driving a herd of animals overland a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile) he took the family for a drive in his new car the trait of being highly motivated his drive and energy exhausted his co-workers (= tug, push) strive and make an effort to reach a goal She tugged for years to make a decent living We have to push a little to make the deadline! She is driving away at her doctoral thesis work as a driver He drives a bread truck She drives for the taxi company in Newark move by being propelled by a force The car drove around the corner proceed along in a vehicle We drive the turnpike to work urge forward drive the cows into the barn cause to function by supplying the force or power for or by controlling The amplifier drives the tube steam drives the engines this device drives the disks for the computer hunting: chase from cover into more open ground drive the game hunting: search for game drive the forest hit very hard, as by swinging a bat horizontally drive a ball strike with a driver, as in teeing off drive a golf ball excavate horizontally drive a tunnel (= ride) have certain properties when driven This car rides smoothly My new truck drives well (sports) a hard straight return (as in tennis or squash) mechanika (computer science) a device that writes data onto or reads data from a storage medium a wide scenic road planted with trees the riverside drive offers many exciting scenic views a physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire
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Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako drive?
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Časování drive časování

Jak se v angličtině časuje drive?

drive · sloveso

Příklady drive příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá drive?

Jednoduché věty

Can you drive a car?
Umíš řídit?
I'll drive you to the airport.
Zavezu tě na letiště.
I'll drive you home.
Zavezu tě domů.
Can you drive?
Umíš řídit?
Do you know how to drive a car?
Umíš řídit?
He refused my offer to drive him home.
Odmítl můj návrh odvézt ho domů.
She doesn't know how to drive a car.
Ona neumí řídit auto.
Tom didn't want Mary to drive his car.
Tom nechtěl, aby Mary řídila jeho auto.
Do you know how to drive?
Umíš řídit?
Tom can drive.
Tom umí řídit.
Tom won't be able to drive for a while.
Tom nějakou dobu nebude schopen řídit.
You can't drive.
Nemůžeš řídit.
You can't drive.
Ty neumíš řídit.
If you drink, don't drive. If you drive, don't drink.
Když budeš pít, neřiď auto. Jestli budeš řídit, tak nepij alkohol.
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Citáty z filmových titulků

I'll drive Minjoo home and come back.
Jenom co zavezu Min-joo, pojedu rovnou domů.
Drive faster, shit?!
Jeď rychleji, sakra!
The police are in Kampala, two days' drive away.
Policie je v Kampale, dva dny jízdy odtud.
Okay, I'm coming. Scott, I am asking you to drive carpool for one day.
Dobře, už jdu.
That's a hell of a long drive, but I don't think it can wait.
Pekelně dlouhá cesta, ale nemyslím, že to počká.
Uh, look, all we have to do is drive the body back, put him on the couch, call the paramedics, no one will be the wiser.
Hele, vše co musíme udělat, je dovézt tělo zpátky, položit ho na gauč, zavolat záchranku, nikdo nic nepozná.
I'll take a drive over on my way home.
Zastavím se tam na cestě domů.
He's a personal friend of the Wadsworths, and when he has to work late in Brokenwood, he stays here so he doesn't have to drive all the way back to Riverstone.
Ne, ne, je to přítel Wadsworthových, a když dlouho pracuje v Brokenwoodu, zůstává tady, aby nemusel jet zpátky do Riverstone.
Saw him drive off in his Captiva.
Viděl ho odjíždět v jeho Captivě.
Then I don't see why you can't squeeze in your house calls between 11 and half past 12 and drive them all to Roehampton after that.
Takže nevidím důvod, proč bys nemohl vmáčknout svoje domácí návštěvy mezi jedenáctou a půl jedné a pak je všechny závézt do Roehamptonu.
Theory's all very well and good, Sister, but lately, every time I've offered you a practice drive, you've made excuses and refused.
Teorie je skvělá věc, sestro, ale jinak v poslední době vždycky, když jsem vám nabídla procvičení řízení, vymluvila jste se a odmítla.
Off you pop, Mr Antoine, that forklift truck won't drive itself.
Pryč odsud, pane Antoine, ten vysokozdvižný vozík se neuřídí sám.
You drive a hard bargain.
Jdeš teda tvrdě za svým. To si piš, že jo.
Don't you see you're letting it drive a wedge between you and Spencer?
Nevidíš, že stavíš mezi sebou a Spencer zeď?

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

He was, in the true sense of the word, a self-made man, whose pluck, ambition, drive and inner belief in his destiny carried him to the pinnacle of his achievements.
Vypracoval se vlastní silou a svých úspěchů dosáhl díky odvaze, ctižádosti, elánu a niterné víře ve vlastní osud.
While this system does provide incentives for certain kinds of research by making innovation profitable, it allows drug companies to drive up prices, and the incentives do not necessarily correspond to social returns.
Tento systém sice poskytuje stimuly k určitým typům výzkumu tím, že zajišťuje ziskovost inovací, ale zároveň umožňuje farmaceutickým společnostem šroubovat ceny vzhůru, přičemž stimuly nemusí nutně odpovídat společenskému přínosu.
As one scientist friend puts it: if you are driving on a mountain road, approaching a cliff, in a car whose brakes may fail, and a fog bank rolls in, should you drive more or less cautiously?
Jak říká jeden můj přítel z vědeckých kruhů: pokud jedete v autě, kterému mohou selhat brzdy, po horské silnici, blížíte se k útesu a kolem se snáší mlha, pojedete opatrněji, anebo méně opatrně?
They would thus have little effect on the longer-term rates that really drive business investment.
Proto by mělo jen malý dopad na dlouhodobé úrokové sazby, které jsou tím skutečným tahounem podnikatelských investic.
Climate economists repeatedly have pointed out that such energy innovation is the most effective climate solution, because it is the surest way to drive the price of future green energy sources below that of fossil fuels.
Klimatičtí ekonomové opakovaně poukazují na skutečnost, že taková energetická inovace představuje nejúčinnější klimatické řešení, protože je nejjistějším způsobem, jak stlačit cenu budoucích zelených energetických zdrojů pod cenu fosilních paliv.
Strong economic performance is somewhat surprising, given his party's interventionist policy approach, but Meles showed himself to be a consummate pragmatist in attracting investment - particularly from China - to drive growth.
Takto silná hospodářská výkonnost je vzhledem k intervencionistické politice jeho strany poněkud překvapivá, avšak Meles se projevil jako výsostný pragmatik při lákání investic - zejména z Číny - coby motoru růstu.
Large purchases would drive up prices in the secondary market, defeating the point of the whole operation.
Mohutné odkupy by zase vyšroubovaly ceny na sekundárním trhu, což by popřelo smysl celé operace.
Underlying it all was a willingness to evolve - a drive for perfection through experimentation.
Základem toho všeho byla ochota se vyvíjet - touha po zdokonalování se pomocí pokusů.
In advance of the upcoming G-8 summit, it is impossible to overlook the fact that, for the first time in seven decades, the United States cannot drive the international agenda or provide global leadership on all of today's most pressing problems.
Před nadcházejícím summitem G8 nelze přehlédnout fakt, že poprvé za posledních sedmdesát let Spojené státy nedokážou být hybatelem mezinárodní agendy ani zajistit globální vedení u všech nejnaléhavějších problémů dneška.
Economists believe that market forces drive prices to fundamentals.
Ekonomové jsou přesvědčeni, že tržní síly tlačí ceny k základním hodnotám.
But does necessity really drive us so hard now?
Ale naléhá na nás dnes nezbytnost opravdu tak neúprosně?
But that would be so uncontrollable and dangerous for him as to be deeply implausible - unless we drive him to desperation.
To by pro něj ovšem bylo tak nekontrolovatelné a nebezpečné, že je to velmi nepravděpodobné - pokud jej ovšem nepřivádíme k zoufalým krokům.
And Iran, in its drive to protect its nuclear program from an Israeli-American attack, might be very active in supporting this ominous scenario.
Konečně Írán by ve snaze uchránit svůj jaderný program před izraelsko-americkým útokem mohl tento neblahý scénář čile podporovat.
The people who ran big business were often unscrupulous, and in some cases used their dominant market position to drive out their competitors - enabling the surviving firms subsequently to restrict supply and raise prices.
Lidé řídící velké firmy byli často bezskrupulózní a v některých případech využívali svého dominantního tržního postavení k vytěsňování konkurentů - což přeživším firmám následně umožnilo omezovat nabídku a zvyšovat ceny.
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drive čeština

Příklady drive anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit drive do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Na Riverside Drive.
Riverside Drive.
San Val Drive In.
San Val Drive In.
Pan a paní Banksovi 24 Maple Drive, Fairview Manor.
Mr. And Mrs. Stanley Banks 24 Maple Drive, Fairview Manor.
Ta adresa: 24 Maple Drive.
This 24 Maple Drive.
Paní O.R. Simmons. Temple Drive 348.
Mrs. O.R. Simmons. 348 Temple Drive.
Tak co to bude, Gilmore? Bitevní nebo drive-in film?
Well what will it be, Gilmore Field or the drive-in movie?
Vyjedete na kopec, pojedete dolů a asi po třech kilometrech uvidíte nalevo Magenta Drive číslo 239.
Follow the road up the hill, down the other side, then two miles further on, on the left, Magenta Drive 239.
Pošlete mi vůz na Magenta Drive číslo 2171.
Can I have a car sent to 2171 Magenta Drive?
DeLorca Drive, West Los Angeles.
DeLorca Drive, West Los Angeles.
Park Gotham, směřujeme jižně na West Drive.
Gotham Park, proceeding south on West Drive.
Ukradený Batmobil zabočuje, směřuje na Gotham River Drive.
Stolen Batmobile turning, heading up Gotham River Drive.
Bude to minutka, pak pojedeme na Claremont Drive.
We'll be a minute, then we'd like to go to Claremont Drive. All right.
Budu jíst steak zabalené do igelitu. přejít na drive-in kina.
I will eat steak wrapped in plastic. go to a drive-in theater.
Jede na sever po East River Drive.
He's headin' north on East River Drive.

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