god | goon | gook | goof
1. STUPEŇ good 2. STUPEŇ better 3. STUPEŇ best

good angličtina


Význam good význam

Co v angličtině znamená good?
Definice v jednoduché angličtině


When you are good, you do the right things. That is, you do things that are kind or helpful. You do not do things that hurt people or are not honest. He is a good person and would never steal. She is a good girl and always helps her mother. If something is good it is useful or helpful. This also means high quality. My last pair of shoes were very good, they lasted two years! If food is good it means you like the taste. This food is not likely to be spoiled or of low quality. Thank you for the pie; it was very good. If you had a good time, you enjoyed something. You may call something good because you like it. We had a good trip and liked seeing all the sights. If you are good at something, you do it well. She is a good swimmer; she could save you from drowning. He is a good worker and always gets the job done. A good sign means something good is likely to happen. Some people think a rainbow is a good omen, and means you will have good luck. If you are sick, its a good sign if your fever ends. Favorable Beneficial


Good is the quality of being good. He has a lot of good in him and always helps us out. Good refers to the side of good (against evil and bad). I'm completely for good and think we should all try to do the right thing. (finance; plural only) Goods are identical items that are produced, then traded, bought or sold, for the purpose of consumption. You can buy many different types of goods at the market.


dobrý having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified good news from the hospital a good report card when she was good she was very very good a good knife is one good for cutting this stump will make a good picnic table a good check a good joke a good exterior paint a good secretary a good dress for the office (= full) having the normally expected amount gives full measure gives good measure a good mile from here dobrý morally admirable dobro benefit for your own good what's the good of worrying? vážený, úctyhodný (= respectable) deserving of esteem and respect all respectable companies give guarantees ruined the family's good name dobrota moral excellence or admirableness there is much good to be found in people (= well) (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard ('good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for 'well') the children behaved well a task well done the party went well he slept well a well-argued thesis a well-seasoned dish a well-planned party the baby can walk pretty good that which is pleasing or valuable or useful weigh the good against the bad among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization dobrý (= beneficial) promoting or enhancing well-being an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries the beneficial effects of a temperate climate the experience was good for her dobrý agreeable or pleasing we all had a good time good manners (= thoroughly, soundly) completely and absolutely ('good' is sometimes used informally for 'thoroughly') he was soundly defeated we beat him good (= just, upright) of moral excellence a genuinely good person a just cause an upright and respectable man thorough had a good workout gave the house a good cleaning (= dear, near) with or in a close or intimate relationship a good friend my sisters and brothers are near and dear šikovný (= adept, expert, practiced, proficient, skillful, skilful) having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude adept in handicrafts an adept juggler an expert job a good mechanic a practiced marksman a proficient engineer a lesser-known but no less skillful composer the effect was achieved by skillful retouching (= right, ripe) most suitable or right for a particular purpose a good time to plant tomatoes the right time to act the time is ripe for great sociological changes dobrý (= well) resulting favorably it's a good thing that I wasn't there it is good that you stayed it is well that no one saw you all's well that ends well (= secure) financially sound a good investment a secure investment (= effective, in effect, in force) exerting force or influence the law is effective immediately a warranty good for two years the law is already in effect (or in force) not left to spoil the meat is still good not forged a good dollar bill (= sound) in excellent physical condition good teeth I still have one good leg a sound mind in a sound body (= salutary) tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health beneficial effects of a balanced diet a good night's sleep the salutary influence of pure air (= serious) appealing to the mind good music a serious book generally admired good taste capable of pleasing good looks (= commodity) articles of commerce
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyUniverzální odpovědi | Universal answersPatnáct způsobů, jak se v angličtině vykroutit z jakékoliv nepříjemné konverzace.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Překlad good překlad

Jak z angličtiny přeložit good?

Synonyma Anglická synonyma

Která slova mají v angličtině podobný význam jako good?
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyPráce a zaměstnání | Work and jobsPatnáct nejdůležitějších vět, které v angličtině potřebujete, když chcete konverzovat o práci a zaměstnání.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Příklady good příklady

Jak se v angličtině používá good?

Jednoduché věty

It is good to have ideals. don't you think?
Je dobré mít nápady.nemyslíš?
The holidays seem to be doing her health good.
Ty prázdniny prospívají jejímu zdraví.
Did you have a good weekend?
Užil sis víkend?
Did you have a good weekend?
Užili jste si víkend?
Is your wife a good cook?
Je tvoje žena dobrá kuchařka?
I will remember your kindness for good.
Tvou laskavost si vždy budu pamatovat.
We had a very good time last night.
Včera večer jsme se dobře bavili.
Now it's time to say good night.
Nastal čas popřát dobrou noc.
Mary and I became good friends.
Já s Mary jsme se stali dobrými přáteli.
Actually it might be a good idea to start right now.
To může být opravdu dobrá myšlenka začít právě teď.
Maybe he will be a good teacher.
Možná bude dobrým učitelem.
I think it's a good idea.
Myslím, že je to dobrý nápad.
I wish you good luck.
Přeju ti hodně štěstí.
This is very good.
To je velmi dobré.

Citáty z filmových titulků

Well, we have to go there and see? but I'll be a good match for a husband.
To musíš posoudit ty, ale na roli manžela se docela hodím.
Is Korea good?
Dorazils v pořádku?
Is it really good?
Ne, neříkala. - Byl jsem úžasný?
If you like it, it's good no matter. If you don't like it, I break down.
Když řekneš, že je to skvělé, tak je to skvělé, když ne, je to k ničemu.
Is it good news?
Ještě něco?
Good night, Lelouch.
Dobrou noc, Lelouchu.
Wouldn't this be a good chance to get battle data on the Lancelot?
Není tohle skvělá příležitost na získání bojových dat z Lancelota?
People don't care about reason. But they can't resist a good miracle.
Lidé uvěří víc svým očím, než úvahám.
Some scholars speculate they reached as far as northern australia, the Cape of Good Hope and greenland, and all this was years before the European Age of exploration had so much as begun.
Někteří vědci spekulují, že dorazili až do severní Austrálie, k Mysu Dobré Naděje a do Grónska a to všechno roky před začátkem Evropského věku zkoumání.
The Portuguese had the brilliant idea that if they could find an alternative route, all the way around the coast of Africa, round the Cape of Good Hope and into the Indian Ocean. then this business could be theirs.
Portugalec měl vynikající nápad, že pokud by našel alternativní cestu, cestu kolem celého pobřeží Afriky, kolem mysu Dobré naděje a do Indického oceánu. pak by tento obchod mohl být jejich.
When he and his fellow sailors rounded the Cape of Good Hope, the southernmost tip of Africa, they weren't wondering, as the Chinese had, if they could find some exotic animals to take home to their king.
Když on a jeho námořníci obepluli Mys Dobré naděje, nejjižnější cíp Afriky, nezajímali se jako Číňané, jestli by mohli najít nějaké exotické zvířata, která by přivezli domů svému králi.
This book gives you the secret to eternal life (Sound good?
Tato kniha odhaluje tajemství věčného života, zní to dobře?
That was very good indeed!
Bylo to opravdu dobré.
Yes, well, if we have the Book of Mormon, it'll do those Africans a lot of good.
Jo, no, jsem si jistý, že Kniha Mormon může pomoci Afričanům.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyDále! | Come in!Patnáct způsobů, jak anglicky někoho pozvat dál, nebo se naopak sám nechat pozvat.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

Citáty ze zpravodajství a publicistiky

As a visiting professor at Harvard and MIT, I am getting a good preview of what the world could look like when the crisis finally passes.
Jako hostující profesor na Harvardu a MIT sleduji celkem zřetelnou předpremiéru toho, jak by svět mohl vypadat, až krize konečně odezní.
The good news is that, following President Hu Jintao's recent visit to Washington, both America and China have been taking positive steps to resolve their differences over the bilateral current-account balance.
Dobrou zprávou je, že po nedávné návštěvě prezidenta Chu Ťin-tchaa ve Washingtonu Amerika i Čína uskutečňují pozitivní kroky k vyřešení svých sporů nad bilaterální bilancí běžného účtu.
Good, healthy, and cheap food had to be accessible for all citizens.
Bylo třeba zajistit dostupnost kvalitních, zdravých a levných potravin pro všechny občany.
Government finances health-care research because improved medicines are a public good.
Vláda financuje zdravotnický výzkum, protože dokonalejší léčiva jsou veřejným statkem.
But this does not mean that we are morally good, or good enough.
To však neznamená, že jsme mravně dobří či dostatečně dobří.
But this does not mean that we are morally good, or good enough.
To však neznamená, že jsme mravně dobří či dostatečně dobří.
Indeed, when a president volunteers to reduce the powers of his own office, you can be certain that he is up to no good.
A jestliže se prezident dobrovolně rozhodne omezit moc svého úřadu, můžete si být jisti, že má něco za lubem.
To change a system that seems best suited to Ukraine's circumstances, you need a good reason.
Chcete-li měnit systém, který se v ukrajinských poměrech jeví jako nejvhodnější, musíte pro to mít dobrý důvod.
The wayward Kuchma is far more deserving of Europe imposing safeguards to ensure his good behavior.
Vzpurný Kučma si mnohem víc zaslouží, aby Evropa zavedla opatření, která si od něj vynutí slušné chování.
It makes much more sense to tax things that are bad, like pollution, than things that are good, like savings and work.
Zdaňovat věci, které jsou špatné, například znečištění, má totiž mnohem větší logiku než zdaňovat věci dobré, jako jsou úspory nebo práce.
The good news is that there are many ways by which improved incentives could reduce emissions - partly by eliminating the myriad of subsidies for inefficient usages.
Dobrou zprávou je, že existuje řada způsobů, jak prostřednictvím zdokonalených pobídek emise snížit - zčásti i odbouráním bezpočtu dotací na neefektivní činnosti.
So, not surprisingly, economists are not in a good position to forecast how quickly it will end, either.
Není tedy divu, že ekonomové nejsou v dobrém postavení, aby předložili prognózu, jak rychle krize skončí.
From a child's perspective, it wasn't self-evident that losing was a good thing.
Z pohledu dítěte nebylo samozřejmé, že prohra je dobrá věc.
TOKYO - 2009 was a good year for China.
TOKIO - Rok 2009 byl pro Čínu dobrý.

good čeština

Příklady good anglicky v příkladech

Jak přeložit good do angličtiny?

Citáty z filmových titulků

Časopis Good Housekeeping ho zavrhl.
This costume has been condemned by Good Housekeeping.
Šťastnou cestu, good bye.
Bon voyage, good-bye.
He was a good kid. -A já po něm někdy rajtoval.
Yeah, and I used to ride him all the time.
You ever had a good Swiss watch?
You ever had a good Swiss watch?
Then I submit, Col. Mitchell, that you are guilty of the most flagrant disorder. to the prejudice of good military discipline.
Then I submit, Col. Mitchell, that you are guilty of the most flagrant disorder. to the prejudice of good military discipline.
I consider myself a good soldier.
I consider myself a good soldier.
This issue goes far beyond being a good soldier in-- in his sense of the word.
This issue goes far beyond being a good soldier in. in his sense of the word.
Good beer, my friend.
Good beer, my friend.
Good morning, madam.
Good morning, madam.
Good day, Mr.
Good day, Mr.
Good night, Ben.
Good night, Ben.
Good night, Amos.
Good night, Amos.
Good day, Ben.
Good day, Ben.
Doporučujeme...Patnáct vět anglickyVedro | HeatTakhle si můžete anglicky postěžovat na letní vedro.Naučit se 15vet.cz »

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